CGC Short Stories - The Gangsta Friend's Support (2024)

Bluelight Special: Part 2 (f/f -> f/fff)

I continued to stare at the phone like an absolute idiot despite being nothing of the kind. I had no idea what to do, especially when I compared it to my old phone, a flip phone from which I had to move things to Joy or Jenny’s computer in order to be able to upload them to Facebook. What I didn’t realize was that this was a small sacrifice, merely adding a cell phone to their monthly bill, as opposed to what I thought they had done which was buy a phone outright.

“Come on, Nichole, get your coat so we can go to Jenny’s,” Joy put a hand on my shoulder.
“I…,” I felt so vulnerable; I had always feigned that my life was happy to these three, “OK.”
“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Fredericks looked at me, “Is something still bothering you?”
“I’m… I’m just…,” I stumbled over my words quite professionally, “Am in shock.”
“Let me help you a little,” Zoe teased me by turning on the phone, “I’ll help you set this up.”
“All right… it’ll only take a few minutes, right?”

I followed Zoe’s instructions exactly, especially the part about making my passwords be based on things that my family couldn’t guess no matter how hard they tried. She advised me to never use my home internet on the new phone because my father could see it in the device information. Such basic common sense concepts had never been a thought to me. How could Zoe willingly do this for her little sister’s friend? It meant Joy had a very loving and protective big sister!

Mrs. Fredericks also sent us away with a tray of cookies that she sternly warned us to share with Jenny. Once the phone was set up, Joy and I walked back out to the car in a strange but positive silence. I actually smiled when we sat down in the car. I smiled! How much more comfortable I felt now with these wonderful people around me! I didn’t play with the phone too much on the way and instead talked with my friend. I began making plans for Joy to spend the night as my bound and gagged stuffie.

How do I describe Jenny? We go back to kindergarten. I arrived just as she was dealing with the greatest struggle of her young life, the death of her big brother. She was there for me even when I didn’t tell her why I needed her, like the many times I ran and hid at her house after a beating from my father. I was there so much that her parents put a second bed in her room. When loved ones passed, we were there for each other. At exam time, we were study buddies. Whenever one of us needed help, I was there in a heartbeat.

I was troublesome to Jenny and Joy, though, especially the former. They were born and raised in religious households; Jenny took it more seriously than anyone else I knew or in her own massive family of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. But I was a stout atheist back at this time. Her response was to pray for my conversion and continue to be my friend although she never admitted the former until after, well, my conversion!

“Sis!” Jenny practically jumped at me when Joy and I came in.
“Whoa! Calm down!” I returned the hug and got a big kiss on the cheek.
“Come with me,” she took me by the arm, “We still have an hour before dinner.”
“What's the rush? Let us put our bags down in your room first.”
“We're going in there anyway! Just come on!”
“Let's go,” Joy calmly took the lead.

The small Danish girl sprang ahead of us, and her camouflage kerchief bandana flew from her motions. A pink t-shirt and camouflage leggings were accompanied by the familiar pink running sneakers and matching crew socks. Once we were in her cozy and welcoming bedroom, also my bedroom in a way, she shut the door behind us. It was about 10 minutes before her parents were due to come home from a Christmas shopping trip. Joy’s eye caught something in the corner, but I didn't look.

“Look!” she proudly opened the closet door.
“Mmmm!” there was Casey, on the floor in a warm and cozy rope game!
“You left her crutches in the corner like a fool,” Joy rebuked the little one.
“Don't pick on her,” I immediately took a playful defense, “just because she's a cute, short, and mischievous Gangsta Princess!”
“Mmmm!” the humble captive tried to squirm away.
“Now, now, it's been two hours, so you should come out!” Jenny took a firm grip of the captive, “Behave, Gangsta Friend!”

Casey wasn't just in a secure boxtie; she had been wrapped in a blanket that had been roped shut as well. From the sound, multiple layers had gagged her, and she was red with sweat in a way that only arose from intense tickling. The Friend wasn't nearly as dependent on the color black as she used to be, and in fact she had mustard sweatpants and a burgundy sweatshirt, both emblazoned with the logo of the University of Minnesota, and her kerchief bandana was a nearly perfect match of burgundy. The little white paisley patterns on the bandana were the only bright color on her.

As it turned out from the photos and videos Jenny showed us but had withheld to not reveal her actions, Casey had been tied up since sometime shortly after lunch… or about 4 hours. I always thought Casey was interesting to watch in captivity, but my opinion solidified after her illness. I watched and teased Casey about her careful, deliberate motions and her incessant stream of calm gag talk threats and demands.

“En ah eh ou, ah’ll ip hie ou o our eh an hichle ou unhil ou hry,” the girl promised hours ago.
“Now who’s being the adorable spunky rope-loving big-hearted Gangsta, hmm?” teased Jenny.
“Ah’m hellin ou,” the captive tried to appear intimidating, “ah’ll eh hou hack!”
“Oh my, Casey,” Jenny squeaked, “Are you threatening me?!”
“Ah am!” the defiance continued, “An ah’ll ehen hag ou ith our irhy thockth!”
“Ooooh! Warning shots fired!” I laughed at that, and the rest of the video was similar.

We watched it and laughed while Casey struggled on the bed in relative silence compared to her earlier spunk. After so many hours of captivity, Casey was a bit broken down now and was, to my surprise, completely submissive. She needed something to bring back that competitive spark that she had in the video. I didn’t know what though.

Such was an odd thing about people when they were tied up. Some started with a massive fight that ended in them purring like a kitten; others fought until the ropes were off; some were cool and collected; and others got restless with time. Of my four generalizations, Casey apparently was of the first type. I knew where the rest of us lay. Such traits rarely showed outside of solo interactions.

“Let Joy help her. I have some things to show you,” I said, and Joy blushed a little.
“What is it? Let's see!” my friend sprang behind me.
“Look!” I showed her the phone and hid the truth, “Since my folks only let me have a flip phone, Mrs. Fredericks gave me this!”
“Sweet! That’s so nice of her! You can do so much more with that,” how brightly she smiled!
“She is so nice!” how little Jenny knew, “She even sent us cookies!”
“Oh, Joy, thank your mother for us!”
“Thank her yourself! You can now!” the Gangsta Girl called back to us from the other room.

I put the cookies on the counter and slowly walked back to Jenny’s room with her. When we got there, we saw Joy and Casey casually talking. The latter was still tied up but no longer under the blanket or gagged. It was then I realized that Jenny never told either of us that Casey was going to be here! So trustworthy were the Kristensen’s that this was the only house where Casey’s own father, a police officer, felt safe letting his daughter stay overnight. There were these little ways in which our lives intertwined despite feeling so different, and we all had a place we could call our home away from home.

“Oh, by the way, you had mail sent here?” Jenny turned and asked me.
“Yeah, I do that sometimes just because my father forgets to give it to me.”

My father forgets… on purpose. My brothers regularly steal my mail and more than once stole the money from a birthday card. That resulted in a rare occasion of them getting walloped. Of course, they did it again; I kicked their shins; I got tied up and spanked. Same old, same old. It never got different there, but today it got very different at the Kristensen house when I saw the return address on the envelope.

“Oh my God!” I ripped the letter open frantically and quickly scanned it, “YES YES YES!!!!”
“What is so exciting?!” Jenny watched me jumping up and down.
“I got into Minnesota Tech! And they’re giving me a Hale Scholarship!”
“What?! Eee! Nichole!” she started excitedly jumping too.
“Wow,” Joy sat down on the bed, “I only got the standard academic scholarship.”
“Be happy for her sake,” Casey then said within my earshot.

I stopped bouncing and turned to Joy. A smile was on her face, but I could tell she was also very, very conflicted. Part of her was jealous, yet more was happy because she knew this was my only chance to escape. After looking at me long enough, I saw a twinkle of joy appear over her face, and a tear rolled down her cheek at the thought of my suffering. She stood up and responded in the way I best understood: a hug. Joy, a master of the concept of love languages, found herself among two huggers and the somewhat random me.

Now I walked over to the Gangsta Friend and admired her outfit and beamed with pride that she had ascended from a full handicap to already having been accepted to attend the University of Minnesota. She had a dream, and she was going to live it. And now I was going to live mine too. In a sudden spark of demonic possession or something of the kind, I playfully rolled the girl over and gave her a swat on the butt.

“Hey! What on earth was that?!” she said in shock before bursting into laughter.
“Ummm,” I struggled to find an excuse but found my poise, “Random. Just random. You seemed to have lost your verve from being tied up for so long.”
“Well, it was a good surprise! Don’t do it again any time soon.”
“I won’t,” I smiled and began untying her arms.
“Too bad we’re not at my place. My folks know I play these games with you.”
“They sure didn’t before! What changed?!” Jenny seemed surprised.

Casey sheepishly explained how her mother accidentally saw a photo on her phone; they weren’t against the games as long as they remained clean, especially since the games were Casey’s own idea back in the founding days of the Club. What trust! Just as she finished her story, Jenny saw her parents pull into the driveway, so we quickly put the rope toys away and turned on the video games in order to look like normal teenagers instead of the TUGsters we were.

Another surprise awaited me a little later. We ate dinner with Jenny’s parents around 5 and went back to playing the games after Casey and Joy volunteered to wash all the dishes, but Jenny went to the laundry area to retrieve some things she had made that morning. She so consistently used her talents to love others.

Knowing my love of the color, Jenny had made a blue tie-dye bandana and matching t-shirt for me. From plain white to a work of art. Simple gestures like these were why I loved her, and I couldn't resist trying them on. I pulled my icy blue headband down to my neck and put the new tie-dye bandana on as a headband knowing it would look amazing with my current outfit. Over my t-shirt went the new one; I was always cold anyway. I was a Gangsta Queen who loved blue, and now I was even bluer. It took a lot of love for a blue colorblind girl to do this for me. We’ll later recount a story about a funny thing that happened on account of her tritanopia.

“Bluelight special, aisle 6,” Joy teased me.
“Like we don't hear that enough at the pharmacy,” I fired back since we worked at the same store.
“You are special!” Jenny naïvely jumped on it though, “So pretty!”
“Well,” I smiled and gave her a kiss and a hug, “Thanks. You’re always amazing!”
Casey also contributed, “No one rocks blue like this girl. She’s a cold Gangsta, and it shows!”
“Yes, and Case, we owe these two girls for all they’ve done for us today,” I winked at her while continuing to embrace Jenny and with Joy not looking at us.
“Oh, we do,” she winked back, and I knew the conspiracy had begun.

Video games were a consistent pattern at Jenny’s. She liked the Mario games that were for the family and anything related to automobiles, so Mario Kart was always a favorite for when party games were needed. We could subtly have a little interior warfare with kidnapping the losers being the goal without her parents ever knowing. As far as they were concerned, we were just four ordinary teenage girls having fun together; fun just happened to include TUGs.

It’s so easy to curbstomp Jenny at a video game. I blame it on the colorblindness when talking out loud, but I know that’s untrue because she is so good at more standard racing games that it cannot be the case. Her mechanical mind just cannot process the comical Mario-verse, and as a result she gets, well, curbstomped! I exaggerate a little, but if we played 100 rounds she would have closer to 10 wins instead of 25.

Because of this, our little video game marathon, complete with a score sheet, in the bedroom so that Jenny’s dad could watch college football, saw Casey and I subtly and skillfully gang up on dear Joy. The Gangsta Girl never knew what hit her. Taking turns to launch attacks on the poor thing ensured that she didn’t catch on to our ways and finished well below one of us at each and every stage. I kept a watchful eye on Jenny, but with the game on the hardest difficulty setting I rarely had to do anything to her.

“You’re ganging up on us!” whined the Gangsta Princess in a typical manner.
“Nonsense, but I did promise to get you back,” Casey said truthfully since only Joy suffered so.
“Oh, sure, now you’re coming at me instead of trying to win like me.”
“No need to be paranoid,” I defended Casey, “Sheesh, Sis, you whine too much.”
“Are we a Club or a Gang? Because you three are jabbering like it’s the latter,” Joy took advantage of our verbal spat to motor away.
“Well, we’re the Cool Girls’ Club, but all of us have a Gangsta nickname,” observed our founder.
“I’ll just take that win, thank you,” Joy smiled broadly; now I was quite determined to kidnap her before she got into her pajamas.

During a break in the festivities, I couldn’t resist going to the bathroom and taking a selfie during a much needed break. Had I really given Casey that little swat earlier? Was it a dirty swat? Was it a playful swat? Was this some strange manifestation of my own father tying me up (albeit in a pathetic manner just to hold me down) and spanking me? Was I really posing for a selfie with a smartphone of my own? Was it all real, or was I going to wake up in my own bed and discover it was all merely a phantasm? Beyond one door were my friends in Jenny’s bedroom, and beyond the other lay Jenny’s parents who loved me as if I were their own daughter.

In a strange moment, I took off the shirt and bandana that Jenny had made for me and started to cry like a little girl lost in the mall. Mrs. Kristensen heard me and gently knocked from the other side of the bathroom. Without any fears, I opened the door and followed her into her bedroom. I was a pathetic sight, a pariah to my own flesh and blood. I was the scapegoat of my sister’s sins, and that was the first time in my life I thought God was real. Clutching Jenny’s handiwork in my hands like the aforementioned little girl clutches her doll, I poured out my heart on the events of the day and how deeply affected I was by all of it.

“Now, don’t keep them waiting. Put those back on. Your sister put so much effort into making it all for you. You try to sneak over here on Christmas Eve because we’ll have a surprise for you.”
“OK,” I finished drying my tears, “May I call you Mom and Dad?”
“Of course you may since you’re like a sister to Jenny and a daughter to us!”
“I love you so much!” I grasped her tightly and already knew what that surprise would be.

She called Jenny “my sister” to my face like that! Even Mr. and Mrs. Kristensen loved me like their own flesh and blood! Even if I wasn’t loved by my biological father and brothers, I had… I had someplace where I was loved like their own. Even if I was another girl, I brought joy even to Jenny’s parents in the unending grief of their son’s death. When I was here, they felt the thrill of having two children in their house once again.

I pulled the shirt back over my white one, adjusted the icy blue bandana that still flopped around my neck, and put my beautiful new bandana back on my head, this time as a kerchief. I had one important task to do. Once I was back in the room, I walked over and gave my sister a kiss; now I really could call her my sister if I could call her parents “Mom and Dad”! Immediately, Jenny noticed my bloodshot eyes, and she knew I must have been emotional about things. Thankfully, only when I was ready did Jenny know of it as anything besides me being perpetually moody.

“Nichole, take the beanbag chair,” my dear Gangsta Friend stumbled out of it, and I knew she knew the truth without anyone telling her.
“Thanks, but Jenny deserves it more,” I pointed to her, “For making me the cutest Cool Girl.”
“I sit in it all the time. You take it,” Jenny motioned to me, “Do it because you love me.”
“Or,” Joy grabbed me and forced me down into it, “I can just do that since I’m the brute here.”
“All right, but just know what revenge is like. Come on, Casey, let’s just play this normal.”
“We’ll give them what they owe soon,” Casey pulled a quilt over her increasingly useless legs.

It was sad knowing that tonight was supposed to see the temperature plunge down to nearly 0 degrees Fahrenheit and that the cold, as a side effect of the stroke, would leave Casey barely able to walk if at all and possibly unable to even dress herself. The glow of the Christmas tree filled the adjoining living room, and the sparkle of the ball ornaments seemed to call me. Jenny and I each had a little tree that we decorated together the weekend after Thanksgiving, and they stood on the long but short bureau where I had a drawer of my own, more than I had at home. When Jenny, almost by grace, needed a bathroom break, Casey nervously wrung her hands.

“Nichole, my dad’s a cop. I’ve heard it all; he figures it better I learn from him. I’m sorry.”
“Look at those ornaments. Come on; I’ll help you walk,” I let her put her arm around me to stand up.
“Thanks, but what are we doing?”
“Enjoying the Christmas tree. Jenny will find us. I want a photo of us four together.”
“You are such an admirable soul. The ones who deserve it least suffer most,” remarked Casey.
“Quit talking and start posing,” I turned off the depressing talk just as Jenny arrived.

What a picture it was. It truly was an amazing picture. When I saw it, I absolutely had to take a picture in front of the fireplace mantle with its greenery and blue lights so that it truly was what Joy had teasingly called the bluelight special. One of those pictures that Joy took (with my very own smartphone!) saw Jenny giggling because I’d wrapped an arm around her neck to blow a raspberry against her cheek.

It was late enough now that I felt safe, as we went back into the bedroom, motioning to Casey to shut the door behind us. Now was the time to begin thanking my friends for the incredible love both they and their respective families had shone on me on this day. Without even turning the lights back on, I hand gagged Jenny, tackled her onto her bed, and reached into the box under the bed in order to grab a piece of rope. Jenny’s parents were early-to-bed-early-to-rise anyway, and he’d watched the rest of the game from their bedroom. This meant we were free to play TUGs without worry.

Jenny’s legs kicked out so much that Casey sat on them while Joy took over hand gagging her so I could focus on tying her up. The Gangsta Friend pulled off the Gangsta Princess’s smelly and sweaty socks; the Gangsta Queen bound the Gangsta Princess’s flailing arms with a vicious bond right near her elbows; the Gangsta Girl put one sock in the other per the Gangsta Friend’s expert advice and tied a brown bandana around the outer pink sock; the Gangsta Princess protested our actions until her laundry went into her mouth with a tight knot behind her head and underneath her braid.

Joy took over holding Jenny’s legs and even assisted in binding them with some of the tougher brown rope while Casey continued the gagging. A roll of red vet wrap was a completely new toy to me and to Joy, and from her face in the darkness I could see that Jenny was perturbed by it as well. Her eyes sparkled brilliantly though even while she quietly squeaked into the disgusting gag she knew would be there for the next 9 hours. The vet wrap wrapped around her mouth two or three times, and then it wrapped around her chin and the top of her head three more times. It was an interesting and mouth clamping situation that was finished with a brown bandana blindfold.

I had to this point bound Jenny’s elbows and wrists and was now working on her chest and waist. Joy handled her legs. In those days, we hadn't heard of toe ties or of crotch ropes and didn't even consider such things. Overkill wasn't the goal; imprisonment was the simple end to our attack. By the time I finished the waist and chest ropes, Joy had finished binding Jenny’s ankles, knees, and thighs just above her knees. Jenny, as she found quickly, was stuck. In a moment of sudden recollection of the events of the day, I suddenly… um… I spanked Jenny too.

“Mmmm!” squealed the ever-resistant captive.
“Energizer rope bunny,” Casey said with an understanding nod.
“Nichole,” Joy pulled me aside, “Shall we resume the game sans Jenny?”
“I,” I blushed in the darkness, “I… I… Yeah… Um… Yeah, let's do that.”
“Mmmm!” Jenny threw herself about, “Mmmmmmm!”
“Straighten up,” Casey patted me on the back, “You got this.”

That spank just about confirmed my worst fears… I did it because my father does it to me. I did it in an odd playful manner, while he does it in a sick perverted manner, but that doesn't change that I did it. Slumping in defeat, I sat back down in the beanbag chair because I… liked it too. I hated when he did it, but somehow doing it playfully in the context of a game was like an escape. Later in life I was able to point each and every one of my “kinks” back to my abusive childhood.

Jenny didn't seem to ever quit; she was a Type 2 captive in Nichole Theory. Squealing and squirming seemed to be her two favorite sports because she did a ton of both. She made a snowstorm of activity that made me wonder if she needed to go in the closet for a timeout session or be hogtied on the floor. An idea struck Casey, and she pulled the shrieking captive down to the foot of the bed. She sat on Jenny’s thighs, and Joy sat on Jenny's torso. That put her head right near me, and I gave her a big smooch on the forehead.

The rough brown rope held the girl firmly; tighter was better to her as long as she wasn't getting harmed by it. Jenny was made of rubber and contorted into any shape with ease whereas Casey couldn't handle such a tight tie for long because circulation was a problem. My sister was the pleasure of captors everywhere, and it was a thrill to, for the first time, take photos and videos of a captive and directly upload them to the CGC Facebook group.

Then came the Joy-ous surprise when I took another much needed potty break (I drank 3 pounds of water that day). I never realized until afterwards that the sounds I heard in the background were quite familiar. I paused again and stared at myself in the mirror and thought about how good it felt to be safe and wanted and how I wanted to return the favors but didn’t know how.

Upon my exit from the restroom, I discovered a bound and gagged Casey on the bed squirming on the bed more than Jenny. The Gangsta Friend was bound similarly to Jenny but with reduced strictness to allow her to endure the tie for longer. Her feet were bare, so I knew her socks were in her mouth in the same fashion as Jenny’s were in hers. Strips of black duct tape were over her face, but the white bandana showed beyond that. Unlike Jenny, Casey had to be hogtied because she was making such a fuss, and that’s the part that was happening when I finally emerged.

“Joyyyyyyy, you ruined my plan!” I whined a little while I studied the helpless girl.
“Just because I’m not as smart as you doesn’t mean I can’t see through you,” she deadpanned.
“Well, um,” I was stupefied by this and continued to stumble over my words, “I… did…”
“I was going to kidnap you as well, but if you sit down and just nicely play with me…”
“But what?” I didn’t look at her and instead played with Casey’s hair.
“I won’t tie you up.”

I looked at her now and smiled widely. She knew I would enjoy being cuddled or cuddling, and I knew that accepting her offer would earn me a cuddle buddy, likely Jenny, and that declining it would end in me being her cuddle buddy instead. I looked at the sleeping bags and knew that, if we had enough blankets, we could easily fit together on the floor between the two beds.

“I’m not going to play nicely, but I will play,” I egged her on, and Casey giggled a little.
“Take a controller,” Joy motioned, “and choose a Gangsta to sit on.”
“Fine,” I sat on Casey, “Just remember I am going to be as rough on you as the computer.”
“Just sit down and enjoy yourself and celebrate that it all changes in 8 months time.”
“That is the truth. Get ready to go down, Gangsta Girl!” I was smiling once again. A future!
“And just know that nowhere are you loved more than inside these four walls,” she smiled with me as well.

In the darkness, we continued to play while our respective cushions squirmed about. Joy had it a little rougher because Jenny never stopped moving. More than once she ordered Jenny to stop it, and I admit I gave her a second swat that really quieted her down. I blushed, but I think Joy saw it and understood my inner struggle. An ally like her was an essential part in my recovery, and it would turn out to be her to whom I turned when I finally reached my breaking point.

I wasn’t nice at all though. Even though it wasn’t essential, I hammered Joy with everything the game would let me throw at her. After the day I had, I didn’t want to be tied up by anyone but her, and, because her treachery ruined my plan to tie her up instead, I was going to push her into tying me up. Perhaps, just perhaps, I felt like a really naughty Gangsta Queen with my brand new tie-dye blue shirt and bandana, and I physically pushed her after we had turned the game off and put the stuff away. I might have even tackled Joy like I was going to tie her up knowing that she would throw me off and get me back instead.

Joy of course pushed back when I did and giggled like a little girl in a candy store. When you played in her style, it made her so happy that I couldn’t resist playing it her way. Joy was like those grandmothers who stunned you with their strength even though they seemed small and weak. She came back at me with the energy of a lion’s fury but the playful spirit of a kitten, and she put right down in my place with ease since I was getting what I desired and didn’t fight like I could have.

When the familiar white rope started working around my wrists, I smiled and taunted her about doing my bidding. I knew it was inevitable what would happen to me at this point, and my guess was correct because Joy tied my ankles second and then removed my socks from my feet. Into my taunting mouth went the same kind of gag that afflicted Jenny and Casey, and my goodness was it a terrible taste especially since I had gotten out of bed at 5 AM and gotten dressed almost immediately. Over 16 hours of my feet doing their thing into those socks, and now those plus a navy blue bandana gagged me.

Joy took white vet wrap from Casey’s bag and wrapped my mouth and head like Jenny before taking the icy blue bandana from around my neck and blindfolding me with it with the knot over my hair to squish the frizz against my scalp. I felt her continue to tie me up skillfully with a full breast harness, a careful elbow binding, a waist rope, and rope on either side of my knees. In an odd act you could call kindness, she ended it all with a playful spank on my own butt, and it was the night that spanking entered our world of TUGs, an escape from the traumatic hell of home.

I couldn’t see or talk, and my movements were severely hampered. By the sounds, I could tell that Joy took photos and videos of us three captives and then laid the sleeping bags out on the floor. I was a very situational captive, and I decided that tonight I didn’t feel like putting up too much of a fight. Casey had become quiet by the time I was tied up, and Jenny was still going at her struggle with true determination. Bedtime, however, subdued the Gangsta Princess I loved so dearly, and she accepted the fate that awaited us all.

“Are you comfortable?” Joy asked us, and we all nodded.

Sitting us up, which meant undoing Casey’s hogtie, I think Joy took a selfie with the three of us as a group, but then she took one with me alone. A big kiss on the forehead affirmed how much she cared, and we were all laid upon the floor and buried under quilts and comforters while we all sucked on our filthy socks. Joy turned out the lights and got under the quilts so that Jenny was against my bed followed by me, Joy herself, and Casey.

That was how one of the most emotional days of my life ended. It was the first step in what would lead to me becoming the woman I grew to be. For that, I am eternally grateful to Jenny and Joy and their respective families.

Next: The Tree

CGC Short Stories - The Gangsta Friend's Support (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.