Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 29 Answer Key (2024)

Engage NY Eureka Math 4th Grade Module 5 Lesson 29 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 29 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest half or whole number by rounding. Explain your estimate using words or a number line.
a. 2\(\frac{1}{12}\) + 1\(\frac{7}{8}\) ≈ ____40/12________

2(1/12) + 1(7/8) = 40/12.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
2(1/12) + 1(7/8).
12 x 2 = 24.
1 x 8 = 8.
24 + 1/12 = 25/12.
8 + 7/8 = 15/8.
25/12 + 15/8 = 40/12.

b. 1\(\frac{11}{12}\) + 5\(\frac{3}{4}\) ≈ ____46/4_________

1(11/12) + 5(3/4) = 46/4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
1(11/12) + 5(3/4).
12 x 1 = 12.
5 x 4 = 20.
12 + 11/12 = 23/12.
20 + 3/4 = 23/4.
23/12 + 23/4 = 46/4.

c. 8\(\frac{7}{8}\) – 2\(\frac{1}{9}\) ≈ ____52/9________

8(7/8) – 2(1/9) = 52/9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
8(7/8) – 2(1/9).
8 x 8 = 64.
2 x 9 = 18.
64 + 7/8 = 71/8.
18 + 1/9 = 19/9.
71/8 – 19/9 = 52/9.

d. 6\(\frac{1}{8}\) – 2\(\frac{1}{12}\) ≈ __________

6(1/8) – 2(1/12) = 24/12.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
6(1/8) – 2(1/12).
6 x 8 = 48.
2 x 12 = 24.
48 + 1/8 = 49/8.
24 + 1/12 = 25/12.
49/8 – 25/12 = 24/12.

e. 3\(\frac{3}{8}\) + 5\(\frac{1}{9}\) ≈ _____73/9______

3(3/8) + 5(1/9) = 73/9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
3(3/8) + 5(1/9).
8 x 3 = 24.
5 x 9 = 45.
24 + 3/8 = 27/8.
45 + 1/9 = 46/9.
27/8 + 46/9 = 73/9.

Question 2.
Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest half or whole number by rounding. Explain your estimate using words or a number line.
a. \(\frac{16}{5}\) + \(\frac{11}{4}\) ≈ ______

16/5 + 11/4 = 6.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
16/5 + 11/4.
16/5 = 3.2.
11/4 = 2.75.
3.2 + 2.75 = 5.95.
16/5 + 11/4 = 5.95.

b. \(\frac{17}{3}\) – \(\frac{15}{7}\) ≈ _______

17/3 + 15/7 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
17/3 + 15/7.
17/3 = 5.6.
15/7 = 2.14.
5.6 + 2.14 = 7.74.
17/3 + 15/7 = 7.74.

c. \(\frac{59}{10}\) + \(\frac{26}{10}\) ≈ _______

59/10 + 26/10 = 8.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
59/10 + 26/10.
59/10 = 5.9.
26/10 = 2.6.
5.9 + 2.6 = 8.5.
59/10 + 26/10 = 8.

Question 3.
Montoya’s estimate for 8\(\frac{5}{8}\) – 2\(\frac{1}{3}\) was 7. Julio’s estimate was 6\(\frac{1}{2}\). Whose estimate do you think is closer to the actual difference? Explain.

8(5/8) -2(1/3) = 62/5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
8(5/8) – 2(1/3).
8 x 8 = 64.
2 x 3 = 6.
64 + 5/8 = 69/8.
6 + 1/3 = 7/3.
69/8 – 7/3 = 62/5.

Question 4.
Use benchmark numbers or mental math to estimate the sum or difference.
a. 14\(\frac{3}{4}\) + 29\(\frac{11}{12}\)

14(3/4) + 29(11/12) = 418/12.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
14(3/4) + 29(11/12).
14 x 4 = 56.
29 x 12 = 348.
56 + 3/4 = 59/4.
348 + 11/12 = 359/12.
59/4 + 359/12 = 418/12.

b. 3\(\frac{5}{12}\) + 54\(\frac{5}{8}\)

3(5/12) + 54(5/8) = 478/12.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
3(5/12) + 54(5/8).
12 x 3 = 36.
54 x 8 = 432.
36 + 5/12 = 41/12.
432 + 5/8 = 437/8.
41/12 + 437/8 = 478/12.

c. 17\(\frac{4}{5}\) – 8\(\frac{7}{12}\)

17(4/5) – 8(7/12) = 192/60.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
17(4/5) – 8(7/12).
17 x 5 = 85.
12 x 8 = 96.
85 + 4/5 = 89/5.
96 + 7/12 = 103/12.
89/5 + 103/12 = 192/60.

d. \(\frac{65}{8}\) – \(\frac{37}{6}\)

65/8 – 37/6 = 4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
65/8 – 37/6.
65/8 = 8.1.
37/6 = 6.1.
8.1 – 6.1 = 4.1.
65/8 – 37/6 = 4.1.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 29 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest half or whole number by rounding. Explain your estimate using words or a number line.
Question 1.
2\(\frac{9}{10}\) + 2\(\frac{1}{4}\) ≈ _________

2(9/10) + 2(1/4) = 38/40.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
2(9/10) + 2(1/4).
2 x 10 = 20.
2 x 4 = 8.
20 + 9/10 = 29/10.
8 + 1/4 = 9/4.
29/10 + 9/4 = 38/40.

Question 2.
11\(\frac{8}{9}\) – 3\(\frac{3}{8}\) ≈ _________

11(8/9) – 3(3/8) = 80/72.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
11(8/9) – 3(3/8).
11 x 9 = 99.
3 x 8 = 24.
99 + 8/9 = 107/9.
24 + 3/8 = 27/8.
107/9 – 27/8 = 80/72.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 29 Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest half or whole number by rounding. Explain your estimate using words or a number line.
a. 3\(\frac{1}{10}\) + 1\(\frac{3}{4}\) ≈ ___________

3(1/10) + 1(3/4) = 38/40.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
3(1/10) + 1(3/4).
10 x 3 = 30.
1 x 4 = 4.
30 + 1/10 = 31/10.
4 + 3/4 = 7/4.
31/10 + 7/4 = 38/40.

b. 2\(\frac{9}{10}\) + 4\(\frac{4}{5}\) ≈ __________

2(9/10) + 4(4/5) = 53/50.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
2(9/10) + 4(4/5).
2 x 10 = 20.
5 x 4 = 20.
20 + 9/10 = 29/10.
20 + 4/5 = 24/5.
29/10 + 24/5 = 53/50.

c. 9\(\frac{9}{10}\) – 5\(\frac{1}{5}\) ≈ __________

9(9/10) – 5(1/5) = 73/5.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
9(9/10) – 5(1/5).
9 x 10 = 90.
5 x 5 = 25.
90 + 9/10 = 99/10.
25 + 1/5 = 26/5.
99/10 – 26/5 = 73/5.

d. 4\(\frac{1}{9}\) – 1\(\frac{1}{10}\) ≈ __________

4(1/9) – 1(1/10) = 48/10.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
4(1/9) – 1(1/10).
9 x 4 = 36.
1 x 10 = 10.
36 + 1/9 = 37/9.
10 + 1/10 = 11/10.
37/9 + 11/10 = 48/10.

e. 6\(\frac{3}{12}\) + 5\(\frac{1}{9}\) ≈ _______

6(3/12) + 5(1/9) = 121/9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
6(3/12) + 5(1/9).
6 x 12 = 72.
5 x 9 = 45.
72 + 3/12 = 75/12.
45 + 1/9 = 46/9.
75/12 + 46/9 = 121/9.

Question 2.
Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest half or whole number by rounding. Explain your estimate using words or a number line.
a. \(\frac{16}{3}\) + \(\frac{17}{8}\) ≈ __________

16/3 + 17/8 = 7.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
16/3 + 17/8.
16/3 = 5.3.
17/8 = 2.1.
5.3 + 2.1 = 7.4.
16/3 + 17/8 = 7.

b. \(\frac{17}{3}\) – \(\frac{15}{4}\) ≈ __________

17/3 – 15/4 = 9.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
17/3 – 15/4.
17/3 = 5.6.
15/4 = 3.7.
5.6 + 3.7 = 9.3.
15/4 + 17/3 = 9.

c. \(\frac{57}{8}\) + \(\frac{26}{8}\) ≈ __________

57/8 + 26/8 = 10.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
57/8 + 26/8.
57/8 = 7.1.
26/8 = 3.2.
7.1 + 3.2 = 10.3.
57/8 + 26/8 = 10.

Question 3.
Gina’s estimate for 7\(\frac{5}{8}\) – 2\(\frac{1}{2}\) was 5. Dominick’s estimate was 5\(\frac{1}{2}\). Whose estimate do you think is closer to the actual difference? Explain.

7(5/8) – 2(1/2) = 56/4.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
7(5/8) – 2(1/2).
8 x 7 = 56.
2 x 2 = 4.
56 + 5/8 = 61/8.
4 + 1/2 = 5/2.
61/8 – 5/2 = 56/4.

Question 4.
Use benchmark numbers or mental math to estimate the sum or difference.
a. 10\(\frac{3}{4}\) + 12\(\frac{11}{12}\)

10(3/4) + 12(11/12) = 199/3.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
10(3/4) + 12(11/12).
10 x 4 = 40.
12 x 12 = 144.
40 + 3/4 = 43/4.
144 + 11/12 = 156/12.
43/4 + 156/12 = 199/3.

b. 2\(\frac{7}{10}\) + 23\(\frac{3}{8}\)

2(7/10) + 23(3/8) = 214/80.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
2(7/10) + 23(3/8).
2 x 10 = 20.
23 x 8 = 184.
20 + 7/10 = 27/10.
184 + 3/8 = 187/8.
27/10 + 187/8 = 214/80.

c. 15\(\frac{9}{12}\) – 8\(\frac{11}{12}\)

15(9/12) – 8(11/12) = 82/12.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each difference to the nearest half.
15(9/12) – 8(11/12).
15 x 12 = 180.
8 x 12 = 96.
180 + 9/12 = 189/12.
96 + 11/12 = 107/12.
189/12 – 107/12 = 82/12.

d. \(\frac{56}{7}\) – \(\frac{31}{8}\)

56/7 – 31/8 = 4.2.

In the above-given question,
given that,
Estimate each sum to the nearest half.
56/7 – 31/8.
56/7 = 8.
31/8 = 3.8.
8 – 3.8 = 4.2.
56/7 – 31/8 = 4.2.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 5 Lesson 29 Answer Key (2024)


What grade does Eureka math go up to? ›

Eureka Math® is a holistic Prekindergarten through Grade 12 curriculum that carefully sequences mathematical progressions in expertly crafted modules, making math a joy to teach and learn. We provide in-depth professional development, learning materials, and a community of support.

What are the four core components of a Eureka Math TEKS lesson? ›

A typical Eureka lesson is comprised of four critical components: fluency practice, concept development (including a problem set), application problem, and student debrief (including the Exit Ticket).

What type of math is Eureka math? ›

Eureka Math® is a math program designed to advance equity in the math classroom by helping students build enduring math knowledge. What's in the Program? Numbers should add up to more than the right answer.

How was Eureka Math created? ›

In 2012 the New York State Education Department contracted with the organization that would become Great Minds to create an open educational resource (OER) math program for K–12 educators. We wrote EngageNY Math, and over time we developed that program into Eureka Math.

What is the hardest math grade? ›

Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

Is Eureka Math good or bad? ›

Is Eureka Math a good curriculum? The answer to this question depends on the target audience. If you're a teacher in a public school who needs to cover State Standards and your goal is merely to prepare students for State tests, then Eureka may be a good curriculum for you.

Is Eureka Math scripted? ›

Eureka Math is scripted for the teacher and anticipates student responses, which is very useful for studying in advance. This makes each module easy to follow and easy to understand what is expected.

What are the 4 parts of the TEKS? ›

Explore how the TEKS are organized by Introduction, Knowledge and Skill Statement, Strand, and Student Expectations across a grade level or course. Recognize and differentiate between cognitive and content expectations noted in the TEKS.

What is the structure of the Eureka math lesson? ›

Each lesson in A Story of Units is comprised of four critical components: fluency practice, concept development (including the problem set), application problem, and student debrief (including the Exit Ticket).

Why are schools using Eureka Math? ›

Eureka Math, a Common Core-aligned curriculum published by the non-profit Great Minds Inc., equates mathematical concepts to stories, with the aim of developing conceptual understanding.

What are teachers saying about Eureka Math? ›

“The difference for teachers with Eureka Math2 is they have a better understanding of how to teach kids to think about math. That's what they've learned with the manual. They're not just teaching a concept or skill. They're teaching the thinking that helps students attack a concept or skill,” says May.

Does Khan Academy align with Eureka Math? ›

To access our aligned resources, go to the Courses dropdown menu in the top left corner of your screen and select See all Math. From the Math page you can view all Math courses including the courses aligned to the Eureka Math/EngageNY curriculum.

What's the difference between Eureka Math and Eureka Math Squared? ›

Eureka Math-Squared is the newest version of a math curriculum that EE teachers were already using. The difference, Karsteter explained, is that in the new version being implemented this year, everything is simplified.

Who is the father of math Eureka? ›

Here's a closer look into this sudden discovery (the “Eureka!” moment): The famous Greek mathematician, physicist, and astronomer, Archimedes was born in 287 BC in Syracuse, a Greek colony in Sicily (an island now part of Italy).

What is the highest level of math in 9th grade? ›

9th grade math usually focuses on Algebra I, but can include other advanced mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry.

What is the hardest math in 5th grade? ›

Some of the hardest math problems for fifth graders involve multiplying: multiplying using square models, multiplying fractions and whole numbers using expanded form, and multiplying fractions using number lines.

What is 8th grade advanced math? ›

Eighth graders who score proficient or advanced are considered to have mastered concepts such as number sense and operations; expressions, equations, and inequalities; functions; geometry and measurement; and data, analysis, and statistics.

What grade level does prodigy math go up to? ›

With 1,500+ curriculum-aligned math skills for 1st to 8th grade, Prodigy Math is so much more than a game. Prodigy Math is an engaging game-based learning platform that's dedicated to improving students' confidence and achievements in math.

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