Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2013-11-22 (2024)

SARAH DiLORENZO Associated Press PARIS (AP) — The wine world’s best-known party is beginning — the ritual uncorking of Beaujolais Nouveau every November.
A barmaid serves Beaujolais Nouveau wine in Bayonne, southwestern France, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013. The wine world’s best-known party is beginning, the ritual uncorking of Beaujolais Nouveau every November. That’s both a curse and a blessing for the famed French region and its lesser-known yet finer wines.
(AP Photo/Bob Edme)
That’s both a curse and a blessing for the famed French region and its lesser-known yet finer wines. Beaujolais Nouveau is easy to drink, but everything a fine wine is not: young, poor in tannins and not suited to storage. It’s partially because new wines could never hope to stir the imagination the way that the great wines of Bordeaux or Champagne do that the makers of Beaujolais Nouveau resorted to what has become a hugely successful marketing campaign.
Continued on Page 12
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) at a news conference on a change to Senate filibuster rules on Capitol Hill in Washington, Nov. 21, 2013. The Senate voted on Thursday to eliminate the use of the blocking tactic against most presidential nominees, a move that will fundamentally alter the way the Senate functions.
(Stephen Crowley/The New York Times)
Skakel Is Released On $1.2 Million Bond
ALISON LEIGH COWAN MARC SANTORA © 2013 New York Times STAMFORD, Conn. - After spending more than a decade behind bars for the murder of a teenage girl in Greenwich, Conn., Michael C. Skakel, a cousin of the Kennedys, was ordered free from prison Thursday.
Judge Gary White of Stamford Superior Court set bail at $1.2 million, ordering Skakel not to leave the state and to wear a tracking device so his movements can be monitored. As the judge made his announcement, friends and relatives of Skakel burst
out in applause. Skakel, dressed in a suit and blue tie, tapped his chest as he walked out of the courtroom, his family trailing behind.
Shortly after 2 p.m., Skakel emerged from the basem*nt of the courthouse, overjoyed, embracing supporters in enthusiastic bear hugs. He stood silently while his lawyer spoke to the throng of reporters outside before being whisked away in a waiting car.
It was the latest twist in a case that has fascinated the public and confoundMichael Skakel reacts to being granted bail during his hearing ©cl investigators since 1975. at Stamford Superior Court in Stamford, Conn., Nov. 21, 2013.
(Bob Luckey/Pool via The New York Times) Continued on Page 5


Central African Republic:
Joseph Kony wants to surrender
Army are known for hacking off the lips and ears of their victims, and turning young girls into sex slaves. Reports over the years have claimed that the brutal jungle gangster was hiding in Sudan’s Darfur region or in a remote corner of volatile Central African Republic, where LRA fighters have killed at least 33 people since January and abducted more than 100 others. Central African Republic government spokesman Gaston Mackouzangba said Thursday that Kony is now believed to be in the town of Nzako. None of the groups searching for Kony reported any indication that Kony was really there. “The president said he had spoken by telephone with Joseph Kony who wants to lay down his arms," Mackouzangba told The Associated Press. “The negotiations are ongoing."
The government also said it had sent medicine to Kony at his request. The African Union envoy in charge of pursuing the LRA said Wednesday that many reports indicate Kony is seriously ill. The State Department said Thursday that U.S. authorities are aware that CAR officials have been in contact “for several months” with a small LRA group “that has expressed interest in surrendering.” The U.S. said it’s clear the LRA is facing significant pressure from African military forces hunting for LRA fighters and Kony.
“At this time, we have little reason to believe that Joseph Kony is part of this group," the State Department said, adding that Kony and his senior commanders have used “any and every pretext to rest, regroup, and rearm, ultimately returning to kidnapping, killing, displacing and otherwise abusing civilian populations." The Resolve, a U.S. aid group that carries out anti-LRA work, said the report of talks with Kony is based on a series of engagements between an LRA group near Nzako and local authorities. □
In this November 12, 2006 file photo, the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army, Joseph Kony answers journalists’ questions following a meeting with UN humanitarian chief Jan Egeland at Ri-Kwangba in southern Sudan.
(AP Photo/Stuart Price)
Associated Press NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) —
Central African Republic’s government said Thursday that Joseph Kony, an accused war criminal hunted by African troops and U.S. advisers, is believed to be in the country’s remote southeast and has been talking with the president. U.S. officials and others expressed doubt the reported talks
represent a breakthrough in efforts to bring him to justice. Kony, who has been indicted on charges of crimes against humanity, has evaded capture for decades and was the subject of viral video seen by more than 100 million people last year produced by the advocacy group Invisible Children. His fighters with the Lord’s Resistance
Poland: Activists walk out of UN-led climate talks
Members of civil society movements are walking out of the U.N. talks on global warming held at the National Stadium in Warsaw , Poland on Thursday, Nov. 21,2013 to show their impatience with the government negotiators, who, the movements say, are making no progress in their task of laying foundations for a new climate deal. The talks are scheduled to close on Friday.
(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski)
Hundreds of environmental activists walked out of U.N. climate talks on Thursday,
saying they were deeply disappointed by the lack of results with just one day remaining.
Wearing “Polluters talk, we walk” T-shirts, the activists streamed out of Warsaw's
11 from Greenpeace freed on bail
Associated Press
— Russian jails have freed on bail 11 of the 30 people arrested following a Greenpeace ship protest in Arctic waters two months ago, but the charges against them still stand.
Bail has been granted this week to 26 of the people on the Greenpeace ship, and the bail hearings were to continue Friday. The rulings by judges in St. Petersburg could moderate the strong international criticism of Russia over the case. Brazilian activist Ana Paula Alminhana Maciel, who was released late Wednesday, was the first to walk free. Her lawyer, Sergei Golubok, said Maciel could move about St. Petersburg and was given back her passport but she “is not going to leave Russia before the situation is cleared up.” Ten others were freed Thursday, including Russians Andrei Allakhverdov, Yekaterina Zaspa and Denis Sinyakov,
as well as Camila Speziale from Argentina, Tomasz Dziemianczuk from Poland, Anne Mie Jensen from Denmark, Sini Saarela from Finland, Cristian D'Alessandro from Italy, Francesco Pisanu from France and David Haussman from New Zealand. Russia’s Federal Migration Service issued a statement saying that those granted bail can’t leave Russia until the criminal probe against them is over. But the state ITAR-Tass news agency quoted a well-connected Russian lawyer, Genri Reznik, as saying that the law doesn’t ban them from leaving Russia pending their trial. He added that charges against them will likely be dropped under an upcoming amnesty marking the 20th anniversary of Russia’s constitution. Greenpeace will “continue to keep up public pressure to get them released,” its leader Kumi Naidoo said in Warsaw, where Greenpeace was an observer at U.N. climate talks. □
National Stadium, where rich and poor countries were arguing over who should do what to fight global warming.
The two-week session in the Polish capital was never expected to produce any big decisions or breakthroughs, but the protesters said in a statement that the talks were “on track to deliver virtually nothing." Negotiations have been bogged down by disputes over financing to help poor countries develop their economies in a cleaner way than the West did and cope with rising sea levels, desertification and other impacts of global warming. Meanwhile, emerging economies including China and Brazil appeared to
resist a European push for setting a 2014 deadline for when countries should put forth commitments for a new climate agreement, which is supposed to be adopted a year later.
The level of progress is seen as a possible indicator of the world’s chances of reaching a deal in 2015. That's the new watershed year in the U.N.-led process after a 2009 summit in Copenhagen ended in discord.“If we go with the spirit of the lack of urgency that we see in these talks, we are headed for another disaster in Paris in 2015 and we need to avert it at all cost,” Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo told The Associated Press.
“We cannot afford to get
it wrong again in 2015,” he said. Environmental groups from around the world attend the annual talks as observers.
They often stage colorful protests in the hallways to urge negotiators to step up the pace. One group called the Climate Action Network names a “fossil of the day” in a daily mock award ceremony to shame countries they see as blocking the negotiations. In Warsaw, some activists joined Filipino delegate Naderev Sano's fast during the conference in support of the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. Sano said his delegation shared the protesters' “anger and frustration” at the lack of “political will” at the negotiations.Q
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NYC stores trim their windows as gifts to the city
AP Fashion Writer
NEW YORK (AP) — Forget
window shopping, some of Manhattan’s biggest and most storied retailers say
their elaborate seasonal window displays are a gift to passers-by.
Reimagining every major holiday covered in a slick coating of ice, recreating cozy Christmas-morning scenes and paying homage to a local legend can be a yearlong labor of love. “Every store has their own style,” says David Hoey, senior director of visual presentation at Bergdorf Goodman. “We try to pick a theme that will lend itself for us to go to town. We all do."
At his corner of 57th Street and Fifth Avenue, arguably one of the most famous shopping intersections in the world, Hoey isn’t just celebrating Christmas, he’s paying homage to 12 holidays, including Valentine’s Day, Independence Day and Halloween. One of his favorite windows is the April Fool's Day display that depicts a lovely outdoor springtime scene — assembled upside down. Kitty-corner from Bergdorf is Tiffany & Co. and its scenes
that aim to capture the New York holiday of your best dreams and memories.
“We are telling a story of the lives that go on here and the interactions that happen on Christmas Day and on that morning in New York City,” says Richard Moore, vice president of creative visual merchandising.
He does add a little product to the scenes — it is a store, after all — but the holiday windows aren't as much about pushing sales. “It’s about holiday spirit and celebrated tradition. The windows are for all ages, all different cultures. We just want you to stop and look and engage in our windows.”
Hoey eagerly visits the windows of the other big stores. It's a treat and a tradition, he says. “Window dressers and the people who do window displays is a very small community. □
A sleigh filled with gift-wrapped jewelry boxes is displayed in a holiday window at Tiffany & Co., in New York. Forget window shopping, some of Manhattan's biggest and most storied retailers say their elaborate seasonal window displays are a gift to passers-by. Reimagining every major holiday covered in a slick coating of ice, recreating cozy Christmas-morning scenes and paying homage to a local legend can be an annual labor of love.
(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
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Skakel is released on $1.2 million bond
Continued from front
In 1975, when the battered body of a 15-year-old girl named Martha Moxley was found beneath a tree in her family's backyard, pieces of a broken 6-iron golf club by her side. Skakel, now 53, was also 15 at the time, and the two were neighbors in a town that has long been a bastion of wealth and privilege. At different times, both Skakel and his brother, Thomas, were suspected of killing Moxley. But it was a quarter of a century before Michael Skakel was tried and convicted. In 2002, he was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.
The bail hearing came after Judge Thomas A. Bishop of Superior Court in
Rockville ruled last month that Skakel did not receive a fair trial because his first lawyer, Mickey Sherman, had not represented him
effectively, thereby depriving him of his constitutionally guaranteed right to counsel.
In a scathing 136-page rul ing, Bishop wrote that Sherman failed to show an attention to detail, lacked a coherent strategy and “was in a myriad of ways ineffective.” Those failures, he wrote, led to a “conviction that lacks reliability.” After the ruling, Skakel’s current lawyer, Hubert J. Santos, filed a motion for his client to be released on bail. In a later hearing. Bishop decided that the question of whether to grant bail belonged with the criminal court in Stamford, where Skakel will be retried if the state decides to go forward with another prosecution.
From the outset, the case has attracted national media attention, offering a potent mix of power, money and sex. □
Michael Skakel, center, who spent more than a decade behind bars for the 1975 murder of Martha Moxley, with his lawyer Hubert Santos after being set free on bail, outside Stamford Superior Court in Stamford, Conn., Nov. 21, 2013.
(Christopher Capozziello/The New York Times)
Senate vote limits filibusters
JEREMY W. PETERS © 2013 New York Times WASHINGTON - The Senate voted Thursday to eliminate the use of the filibuster against most presidential nominees, a move that will break the Republican blockade of President Barack Obama's picks to Cabinet posts and the federal judiciary.
The change is the most fundamental shift in the way the Senate functions in more than a generation. The vote was one that members of both parties had threatened for the better part of a decade but had always stopped short of carrying out.
This time, with little left of the bipartisan spirit that helped seal compromises on filibuster rule changes in the past, there was no lastminute deal to be struck. The vote was 52-48.
Sen. Harry Reid, the majority leader, set the change in motion Thursday with a series of procedural steps. “The need for change is so, so very obvious.
It is clearly visible,” Reid said as the Senate convened Thursday morning. “It is time to get the Senate working.”
After the vote on the filibuster rules, Reid said he would
not gloat. “This is not a time for celebration,” he said. On that, but little else. Republicans agreed. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz„ said the changes marked a “devastating” breach of Senate procedure.
“Now there are no rules in the United States Senate," he said.
Obama applauded the move to end what he called “an unprecedented pattern of obstruction” of his judicial and Cabinet nominees by Republicans. “I realize that neither party has been blameless for these tactics.
They developed over the years,” Obama told reporters at the White House.
“But today's pattern of obstruction, it just isn't normal. It’s not what our founders envisioned.
A deliberate and determined effort to obstruct everything, no matter what the merits, just to refight the results of an election is not normal, and for the sake of future generations we can’t let it become normal.”
Like Democratic leaders in the Senate, Obama, a former senator himself, declined to characterize the rules change as a victory to be celebrated. □
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Theater shooting trial postponed over sanity issue
Daniel King, defense attorney for James Holmes, leaves district court in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013, where the prosecutor in the case. District Attorney George Brauchler, asked for a second mental evaluation of Holmes. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)
CENTENNIAL, Colorado (AP) — The judge in the Colorado theater shootings case on Thursday indefinitely postponed the trial of James Holmes so attorneys can argue whether he should undergo another psychiatric evaluation. Holmes' trial had been set to begin in February. Holmes, 25, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to charges of killing 12 people and injuring 70 during a packed midnight showing of a Batman film at an Aurora theater in July 2012. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty, and they want Holmes to un dergo further evaluation of his sanity. The findings of Holmes' first mental health evaluation, conducted at a state hospital, have not been publicly disclosed. But the fact that prosecutors want further evaluation suggests the first exam might have found Holmes was insane.
Such a finding could make it much harder for prosecutors to persuade a jury to convict Holmes of murder and sentence him to death.
District Attorney George Brauchler said at Thursday's hearing that prosecutors are challenging one
of three conclusions in the state evaluation. He did not elaborate. Both sides are barred from speaking about the case outside court. District Judge Carlos Samour Jr. scheduled hearings on further testing and other pre-trial issues for Dec. 17 and 18.
Holmes’ attorneys don’t dispute that he committed the shootings, but his plea makes psychiatric evaluations — which assess whether Holmes was sane at the time of fhe shootings — the most important pieces of evidence.
If jurors were to find that Holmes was insane, he
would be committed indefinitely to the state hospital. If doctors there ever concluded Holmes’ sanity had been restored, he could one day be released, but that is considered unlikely. Colorado law defines insanity as the inability to tell right from wrong because of a mental disease or defect. An evaluation by the state mental hospital is mandatory for anyone who pleads insanity. Holmes underwent his last summer. Law enforcement officers have fesfified fhaf Holmes planned fhe affack for months, stockpiling guns and ammunition. □
5 kids trapped underwater in US crash; driver free
Associated Press
ST. LOUIS PARK, Minnesota
(AP) — Five young children were trapped underwater after their car skidded off a
rain-slicked ramp and landed in a frigid pond in the U.S. on Thursday, authorities
said. The driver escaped. Rescuers pulled the children from the water 25 to 45 minutes after the accident in Minnesota. The children were unresponsive, St. Louis Park city spokeswoman Jamie Zwilling said.
The Minnesota State Patrol said the children were seriously injured, but did not give details on the nature of the injuries or how the injuries happened.
The children were ages 1, 5, 5, 6 and 7, State Patrol spokesman Lt. Eric Roeske said.
The 23-year-old driver, Marion Guerrido, was in stable condition. Roeske said her relationship to the children wasn’t immediately known.
Roeske said there was no guardrail separating the
pond from the highway ramp.
Passersby who saw the car tried to rescue the children, but it was submerged in cold water. Roeske said he was told one person stood on the roof of the car, and the “incredibly cold, nearly freezing-temperature water” was up to his neck. Once the vehicle was pulled from fhe water, authorities saw the children inside. Zwilling said firefighters started breaking windows and pulling out the children.
Roeske said it wasn't clear whether speed was a factor in the crash.
He said there was no indication that the woman intentionally drove into the waterO

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US Financial Front:
American unemployment benefit applications drop to 323K
Jimmetta Smith, of Lithonia, Ga., right, the wife of a U.S. Marine veteran, holds her resume while talking with Rhonda Knight, a senior recruiter for Delta airlines, at a job fair for veterans and family members at the VFW Post 2681, in Marietta, Ga. The Labor Department reported a dip in the number of Americans who applied for unemployment benefits last week on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
(AP Photo/David Goldman)
now fallen in five of fhe past six weeks. The decline indicates that employers are laying off fewer workers.
“If claims can remain at this week’s level it would be easier to believe in the idea that... payroll growth could break out to the upside,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics.The steady declines suggest hiring will remain healthy in the coming months. Employers added 204,000 jobs in October, shrugging off the 16-day shutdown.
Job growth accelerated over the summer. Employers added an average of 202,000 jobs per month from August through October. That’s up sharply from
an average of 146,000 in May through July.
The solid gains should help boost economic growth next year. Greater hiring, combined with modest increases in pay, appears to be supporting more spending. Higher retail spending last month has raised hopes that the holiday shopping season will be better than many analysts expected. Still, the economy is far from healthy. More than four years after the recession officially ended, the unemployment rate remains high at 7.3 percent.
And nearly 3.9 million people received benefits during the week ended Nov. 2, the latest data available. □
C. S. RUGABER AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — The
number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell 21,000 to a seasonally adjusted 323,000 last week, the lowest since late September and further evidence of an improving job market.
The Labor Department said
Thursday that the less volatile four-week average fell for the third straight week to 338,500. Both figures are near pre-recession levels. Applications are a proxy for layoffs. They had spiked in early October because of the partial government shutdown and processing backlogs in California. But first-time applications have
U.S. wholesale prices dip for second month on cheap gas
JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. wholesale prices fell in October for the second straight month, driven down again by cheaper gasoline costs.
The Labor Department said Thursday that the producer price index, which measures prices before they reach the consumer, dropped 0.2 percent in October. That followed a 0.1 percent decline in September. The cost of gas
plunged 3.8 percent last month, lowering the index. Over the past 12 months, energy costs have kept inflation weak. Prices have increased just 0.3 percent in that stretch.
Excluding volatile energy and food prices, wholesale costs increased 0.2 percent in October and 1.4 percent in the past 12 months.
The continued low level of inflation enables the Federal Reserve to maintain its unique stimulus measures. □
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APNewsBreak: Companies may help destroy Syria arms
MIKE CORDER Associated Press THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The global chemical weapons watchdog is inviting private companies to bid to get involved in destroying Syria’s stockpile of toxic agents and precursor chemicals.
The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is posting a request for “expressions of interest” from companies who want a role in “the treatment and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous organic and inorganic chemicals.”
The agency, which won the Nobel Peace Prize this year, has been directed by the United Nations to oversee the destruction of the Syrian government’s chemical weapons. The unprecedented disarmament in the midst of a civil war now in its third year was launched following an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb that killed hundreds
of civilians.
The U.S. and Western allies accused the Syrian government of being responsible for that attack, while Damascus blames the rebels. Syria joined the OPCW and agreed to dismantle its chemical arsenal to ward
off possible U.S. military strikes.
What needs to be destroyed involves a wide range of chemical agents. A senior OPCW official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to dis cuss the issue publicly, said Thursday that more than 700 tons of Syrian chemicals listed can be destroyed at regular commercial facilities.
The most toxic and weaponized chemicals in the Syrian stockpile will still have to
be destroyed at a secure facility under OPCW supervision.
The OPCW is considering the option of destroying the most toxic parts of Syria’s stockpile at sea on a mobile destruction facility on a large ship or barge. Q
Truck bomb, attacks kill at least 48 in Iraq
Associated Press BAGHDAD (AP) — A truck bomb tore through an outdoor vegetable market in northeastern Iraq, the deadliest of a series of attacks Thursday that killed at least 48 people, officials said. The explosion in the town of Sadiyah, some 140 kilometers (90 miles) northeast of Baghdad, is the latest in a wave of attacks that has swept across Iraq since April, pushing violence to levels unseen since the country teetered on the brink of civil war in 2006 and 2007. Two police officers said witnesses told them that a man parked the truck containing the
Iraqis inspect the aftermath of a late-night bombing at a cafe in Bayaa neighborhood, southwestern Baghdad, Iraq, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
(AP Photo/Karim Kadim)
bomb in the market and asked workers to unload the vegetables before leaving the vehicle. The officers said 31 people were killed and at least 45 people were also wounded in the attack. Two medical officials confirmed the casualty figures. Meanwhile Thursday, a suicide bomber set off his explosives-laden belt at an army
checkpoint in the town of Taji north of Baghdad, killing six soldiers and wounding 12, a police officer and a medical official said. In Baghdad’s northern Kasra neighborhood, a bomb attached to an army officer’s car killed his son and wounded five civilian pedestrians, a police officer and a medical official said. The officer was not in the car at the time of the explosion, authorities said. A car bomb explosion followed by other two bombs in a commercial area of Baghdad’s western Amiriyah neighborhood killed eight civilians and wounded 15, a police officer and a medical official said. And in Baghdad’s southeastern Bayaa neighborhood, gunmen attacked a supermarket, killing the two brothers who own it, a police officer and a medical official said. Two shoppers were wounded, they said. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to release information to journalists. Q
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Karzai: Sign US-Afghan security pact next year
A member of the Afghan Loya Jirga holds a banner with Dari that reads, “the agreement with the America is selling out our country,” during the meeting in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has told a gathering of elders that he supports signing a security deal with the United States if safety and security conditions are met. Karzai spoke as the 2,500-member national consultative council of Afghan elders known as the Loya Jirga started in Kabul on Thursday. The four-day meeting will discuss the bilateral security pact that defines the role of thousands of U.S. troops who will remain after the NATO combat mission ends in 2014.
(AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)
PATRICK QUINN Associated Press KABUL, Afghanistan (AP)
— President Hamid Karzai urged tribal elders Thursday to approve a security
pact with Washington that could keep thousands of U.S. troops in Afghanistan until 2024, but he added a wrinkle that he prefers his successor sign the docu ment after elections next April.
Karzai's move could be an attempt to avoid taking personal responsibility for an agreement that many Afghans see as selling out to foreign interests.
His remarks to the 2,500 members of the consultative council known as the Loya Jirga came as President Barack Obama made a personal plea for quick passage of the agreement in a letter promising to respect Afghanistan’s sovereignty and only raid homes when U.S. lives are at risk. The Loya Jirga is widely expected to approve the agreement, and Karzai's remarks could be seen as last-minute move to force the gathering to ask him to sign the long-delayed accord — thus shifting the responsibility for the deal away from him to the elders.
The White House urged that the security pact be
signed by the end of the year, with spokesman Josh Earnest saying a failure to finalize an agreement in the coming weeks “would prevent the United States and our allies from being able to plan for a post-2014 presence” in Afghanistan. Military leaders in the U.S. and NATO widely acknowledge that the nearly 350,000-member Afghan National Security Forces are not yet ready to take on the Taliban alone after a war that has lasted more than 12 years. The Afghan forces, however, have held their ground this summer after taking control of security around the country from foreign forces.
Senior U.S. military officials have repeatedly stressed that Afghan forces still need at least three to four years of training and mentoring take on a resilient Taliban insurgency that shows no sign of abating or compromisingO
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President returns; says will expand economic model
DEBORA REY Associated Press BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentine President Cristina Fernandez said Wednesday that she’s going to deepen her government’s left-leaning economic program.
Fernandez remade her Cabinet this week after six weeks of rest following head surgery. Her appointments suggest she’ll tighten her grip on the economy, which is struggling with high inflation and dwindling foreign reserves.
“We need to continue to deepen the model so there are more Argentines included and to prevent anyone from coming to take what’s ours,” she said in her first public act at the presidential palace in 47 days.
Fernandez, who recently stopped wearing the black of mourning fhree years
after the death of her husband and predecessor as president, Nestor Kirchner, has upset investors with her interventionist policies.
She nationalized private pension funds, renationalized the country’s flagship airline and led Argentina’s uncompensated seizure of the Spanish company Repsol’s controlling, $10 billion stake in the state YPF oil company.
These measures have been hugely popular with those Argentines who blame the privatizations of the 1990s and other tree-market policies for the country's economic crisis and debt default in 2001-2002.
But many Argentines are fed up with currency controls that restrict them from buying dollars as the government tries to keep hard currency from pouring out of the country and worsening inflation.
While the government officially says inflation is running around 10 percent a year, independent economists and even some of Fernandez’s allies say the rate is really more than double that.
The president rejects criticism of her intervening in the economy, saying her push for strong internal consumption is social justice, not economic orthodoxy.
“I fought my whole life for fhis. A nafional sovereignty shown through the resurgence of the nation’s productive apparatus that we must deepen and continue to move forward,” she said at Wednesday’s swearingin ceremony for her new Cabinet ministers.
“We need to overcome the barrier that says that we're not able to develop a competitive national industry.”
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Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez looks to her supporters after swearing-in her new cabinet at the government house in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013. Fernandez remade her Cabinet this week in her first official act after weeks of rest following head surgery.
(AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)
The new economy minister, fiery economist Axel Kicillof, was the mastermind behind the government's forced takeover of YPF. As a university professor, he has taught Karl Marx's economic theories and has called for more interventionism. Argentina’s history of expropriafions and refusal to pay all its debts left over from its catastrophic default a decade ago has left it with few alternatives when it comes to raising money on international markets. Companies also have been scared away by the government’s interference in exports and imports.
Although a major policy shift is not expected, many Argentines were pleased this week when the combative commerce secretary, Guillermo Moreno,
quit a day after the Cabinet reshuffle gave others more power in Fernandez’s inner circle.
Moreno sought to fine and jail economists for publishing independent inflation numbers, and threatened black-market currency traders whose business gave many Argentines their only access to dollars in recent years.
Economic analysts said his resignation could be the first step toward clearing up the government’s official economic statistics, which are rejected by the International Monetary Fund.
The analysts said Kicillof will play a much larger role now that Moreno is out of the picture, giving him more autonomy to ease the restrictions on buying dollars.Q

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Deportation fears on rise in the Dominican Republic
Nathalie Berjean, 32, right, poses for a photo with her five children and her cousin in front of their home in Jimani, Dominican Republic, near the border with Haiti. In September, the Dominican Constitutional Court ruled that being born in the country does not automatically grant citizenship, and it directed officials to purge voter rolls of non-citizens, including people born to non-legal residents going back to 1929.
(AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)
BEN FOX Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)
— Wilver Cuevas Betances was born in the Dominican Republic and never left until he ran into some soldiers at a bus station in Santo Domingo who demanded his passport. “I don’t have a passport. I’m Dominican,” the 29-year-old recalled telling the soldiers. Ignoring his pleas, his perfect Spanish, and the Dominican identification card showing his birthplace, they deported him the following day across the border to Haiti. Four days later, after a night on a park bench in the Haitian capital of Portau-Prince, he sat in wrinkled clothes in the office of a migrant assistance group, struggling to make himself understood in the unfamiliar language of Creole, the French-based language spoken in Haiti.
“I have nothing here,” he said. “I don’t know anyone."
Migrant advocates are bracing for more abrupt
deportations to impoverished Haiti as a result of a recent Dominican court ruling that narrows the definition of citizenship. So far, there have not been mass deportations, but there are growing accounts of people being summarily kicked out of the country, in some cases apparently based solely on the color of their skin. “Blacks are hardly going out because they’re picking up a lot of darkskinned people,” Cuevas said in an interview Thursday at the office of the Support Group for Repatriates and Refugees, a nongovernmental organization. In September, the Dominican Constitutional Court ruled that being born in the country does not automatically grant citizenship, and it directed officials to purge voter rolls of non-citizens, including people born to non-legal residents going back to 1929. Advocates say 200,000 people could be stripped of citizenship, along with the documents they need to work or at tend school, although the government says an initial count came to about 24,000.
The ruling, based on a new 2010 constitution, is a reflection of deep hostility in the Dominican Republic to the vast number of Haitians who have come to live in their country, many brought in to work in the sugar industry and their descendants.
“Deportations have been fairly steady since 2007. Using the court ruling as a justification is new," said Tobias Metzner, a Haitibased counter-trafficking
program manager for the International Organization for Migration. “The legal context has changed." Cesar Pina Toribio, a legal adviser to Dominican President Danilo Medina, made a lengthy defense of the government position to the Organization of American States last month, arguing that the country seeks only to gain control over its citizenship rolls and will develop a path to permanent legal residency.
But no details have been provided, and the law is already having consequences. There are ac counts of people who have been reported to immigration authorities and deported after squabbling with their neighbors or being abruptly thrown out of the country at a time when their employers are having financial difficulties, Metzner said. Migrants say they have paid bribes to soldiers to keep from being detained, or were held when they couldn’t come up with enough cash, said Colette Lespinasse, director of the Support Group for Repatriates and Refugees, known by its French acronym as GARRO
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Beaujola s vineyards aim to be more than ‘Nouveau’
Continued from front
It’s an operation “to bring value to a wine that is not part of the mythology of French wines," said Serge Michels, vice president of Profeines, an agribusiness consulfancy.
And so, as fhey do every year, bars and wine shops the world over uncorked the first bottles of the 2013 Beaujolais Nouveau at midnight on Wednesday. What started as the very first chance to taste a given year's wine in Paris years ago has led to parties as far away as Japan and the United States.
“The party has started,” said Bernard Rogue-Bouge as the new wine flowed from a barrel in his Au Petit Chavignol Restaurant in Paris. “Cheers! To the Beaujolais!”Speed is part of its mystique. Beaujolais Nouveau is typically flown to its customers, while other wines travel by ship. Wineries that make Beaujolais Nouveau export a larger proportion of their wine than any other pro ducer in France, sending about 47 percent of their harvest abroad every year. The biggest market is Japan, which drank nearly 9 million bottles of it last year and which also typically has the privilege of uncorking their bottles before anyone else.
The U.S. downed more than 2 million bottles in 2012.
The campaign has been so successful that growers of finer wines in Beaujolais, just north of the eastern French city of Lyon, wondering if they’ve created a monster that is obscuring everything else they do. Beaujolais' nouveau wines make up about a third of the wine produced in the region each year. “Beaujolais represents only 0.3 percent of the land under cultivation for wine ... and yet it's one of the most well-known wines in the entire world," said Jean Bourjade of the professional association of Beaujolais growers. Inter Beaujolais. “(That’s) thanks to Beaujolais Nouveau. No one regrets that.”
But “it’s the tree that hides the forest,” he lamented. Beaujolais Nouveau is the best known of a series of
erally fruity and easy to drink but have a short shelf life. By French government decree, they cannot be
wines has led to some excesses, Bourjade admits. “Everyone wanted it, so certainly at some point — it

Nora Boutemeur enjoys a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau in Lille, northern France, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013. The wine world's best-known party is beginning, the ritual uncorking of Beaujolais Nouveau every November. That's both a curse and a blessing for the famed French region and its lesserknown yet finer wines.
“vins de primeur” — wines that have a short fermentation period and are gen >Dl'
The Ritz-Carlton®
sold before the third Thursday in November.
But the rise of wines from the Southern Hemisphere has taken away a bit of that novelty, since harvests there are earlier in the year and they can claim the title of first-to-market in any given year. Plus the traditional flurry around the
(AP Photo/Michel Spingler)
was 20 or 30 years ago — we made too much. And it’s true at that time, there were problems of quality,” he said. But Bourjade said winegrowers have since reorganized and recommitted to quality, and they now produce less than half the nouveau wine they did at the peak in the 1990s. □
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Dubai Airshow closes doors after rainfall floods main exhibition hall
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The Dubai Airshow closed its doors to visitors Thursday after rainfall flooded parts of the trade event’s large exhibition hall.
Organizers of the airshow said in a short statement that exhibitors and visitors should not travel to the show due to “severe weather conditions."
The show’s daily flying display by international aerobatic pilots also was grounded due to the rainfall. Rain is unusual in Dubai, but occurs periodically during cooler months. Neighboring Saudi Arabia also experienced heavy
rainfall this past week. Officials there say flooding has killed at least 11 people. The official Saudi Press Agency said at least four people were missing.
The Dubai Airshow, in its fifth day on Thursday, grabbed headlines earlier this week when U.S.-based Boeing announced orders of around $100 billion.
Its European rival Airbus netted around $40 billion in orders.
F&E Aerospace, which organized the airshow, called it a “dramatic end” to the event. The airshow’s CEO, Sharief Fahmy, said in the statement they decided to close the hall for safetyO
The kids loved meeting King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
entered the stadium, the kids started dancing “flashmob” style.
The entire stadium looked like one big light blue field of flowers. You just could not see the grass anymore. They started running around when the King and Queen kicked the 4 super large balls into the crowd and they all just had to touch it.
Kids showed the King and Queen their track and field talents and the Royal Couple took their time to interact. The King shook hands and “high Five-ed”
DAKOTA - Thursday morning was a day the Aruban youth will never forget. They got to meet the King and Queen.The “Guillermo Prospero Trinidad” sport stadium in Dakota was filled with over 5000 kids, all wearing light blue t-shirts with the local Owl on it and a huge smile on their face. Full of excitement, not worried about the hot sun, they waited for the Royal arrival, sitting on the tribunes and or standing on the soccer fields.
Once the King and Queen

the boys while the Queen let the girls hug her. The kids and their teacher loved it. The big and funny Royal Mascot was running around as well entertaining everybody, especially when he danced the “Macarena" dance.
Years from now our children will be telling their children that they did meet King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima.
This will be an experience the local children will never forget.Q

Brazilian Travel Agents Are Wild For Aruba!
ORANJESTAD - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority hosted a group of travel agents from Brazil on a very successful Famtrip.
The agents represent several of the most prestigious travel agencies and tour operators from different states of Brazil.
Most of Aruba’s luxurious hotels were visited for site inspections and different activities were organized for the agents during their stay on Aruba, and the agents were very much satisfied with the whole Aruban experience.
The agents were accompanied by Mr. Ernest Giel who prepared a very fun and exciting program for the agents.
Words of gratitude go to all the companies involved with this super-successful Famtrip, and we can be sure that Aruba will receive more tourists from Brazil in the future now that the travel agents have more information of our Beautiful Aruba! a
Goat Stew, the Caribbean way.
The Blue
^Lsbster 1
She loves Aruba for the wonderful people, and ft's beaches. She's visiting from Cordoba Argentina.
2 pounds goat or lamb, cut into chunks Salt and pepper to taste 3 tablespoons olive or peanut oil 2 tablespoons butter 2 onions, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 /4 pint to 1 pint of water, or chicken or beef stock Few sprigs of fresh thyme 2 tablespoons mild curry powder 4 carrots, coarsely chopped 4 potatoes, peeled and quartered 2 large tomatoes, diced Few sprigs of chopped parsley
Season the meat with salt and pepper to taste. Then heat oil and butter in a deep, heavy pan. Braise the meat until it is browned. Add onions and garlic and saute until translucent. Add water or stock, thyme and curry.
Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 11 /2 hours in a covered pan. Add carrots, potatoes and tomatoes and simmer another 30 minutes.
Garnish with parsley. Serve over rice or with bread. Enjoy your mealO
A f R R i C &F L l HAY
Epic Burger
A Warm Welcome Back to Aruba Veterans Carol and Frank Lemaire!
PALM BEACH- This week Bugaloe Beach Bar & Grill welcomes back true Aruba veterans Carol and Frank Lemaire from Levittown NY. They have been coming to Aruba for 35 (I!) years and discovered Bugaloe while walking the fine white beaches Aruba has to offer. They just love Aruba for the weather, the beaches and stunning sunsets! What they like about Bugaloe in particular is the friendly staff and mostly chef Marc's tartar sauce! Every year they go home with the recipe and try to make it them selves, and finally this year, they got it right! Next to the delicious tartar sauce, their favorite menu items are the garlic shrimp and curly fries, a perfect combination with an ice cold Polar or Balashi beer.
The funniest memory of Bugaloe is when Carol pushed Frank off the end of the pier, and then got pushed in the water right after! The Bugaloe crew would like to thank Carol and Frank for being such loyal Bugaloe guests, and hope to see them for many more years to come! □
Flora & Fauna:
Brown-throated Parakeet
ORANJESTAD - The Aruban Parakeet “Prikichi” [Aratinga pertinax arubensis] is an indigenous species found on the island of Aruba. Unfortunately, due to the boas on the island, this bird has experience steep declines in the past few years. Although efforts are underway to eradicate the snake, such a task is prov ing difficult.
To recognize a Brownthroated Parakeet, listen to its loud, raucous shrieks. The birds may appear green, but a closer view will reveal the beautiful bluish colors in the wings, the yellow under the tail, and the yellowish eye ring.
-Picture by: Rossi

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Cura Cabai

NFL embraces possibility of snowy
NEW YORK (AP) — Instead of shrinking from the possibility that the Super Bowl could be played in a blizzard, organizers of the first outdoor, cold-climate NFL championship game have decided to embrace snow as the unofficial theme. In fact, some officials are positively hoping for snow. “It would be disappointing if it didn’t, quite frankly,” said Brian McCarthy, the NFL’s top spokesman. “Weather and the elements are part of fhe game. And we are embracing if.” Thaf could be cold comfort to the throngs of visitors to the New York City area for Super Bowl week, and fo the 82,000-plus fans who will actually brave the elements during the Feb. 2 game at open-air MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The 197-yearold Farmers’ Almanac is already out with its forecast that a big winter storm will hit the area that weekend, though how much stock to put in that theory is debatable.
Continued on Page 19
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16-year-old Lydia Ko makes debut with a 71
AP Golf Writer
NAPLES, Florida (AP) —
Lydia Ko didn’t feel any differently on the first tee on Thursday than she has at any other U.S. LPGA Tour events she has played, even the two that she won. It just took her a few hours before she started producing the kind of golf fhaf brought so much attention to her professional debut.
The 16-year-old from New Zealand overcame a double bogey on her third hole with three birdies on the back nine at Tiburon Golf Club for a 1-under 71 in the LPGA Titleholders.
Ko was seven shots behind Sandra Gal of Germany, who opened with six straight birdies on her way to a 64.
Rebecca Lee-Bentham of Canada had six birdies on the back nine for a 65.
Continued on Page 20
AP source: Tigers, Texasto swap Fielder, Kinsler
DETROIT (AP) — A person wifh knowledge of fhe deal says the Detroit Tigers and Texas have agreed to a blockbuster trade that would send slugger Prince Fielder to the Rangers for second baseman Ian Kinsler.
The person spoke on condition of anonymity Wednesday night because no announcement had been made.
Fielder signed a $214 million, nine-year contract with the Tigers before the 2012 season that includes a limited no-trade provision, and the big first baseman was set to approve the deal.
Kinsler just finished the first season of a $75 million, fiveyear contract.
The deal was first reported by CBSSports.comO
In this Oct. 13,2013, file photo, Detroit Tigers' Prince Fielder runs off the field during Game 2 of the American League baseball championship series against the Boston Red Sox, in Boston.
Associated Press
Continued on Page 19
“It could mean windy. It could mean snow. We're not sure, obviously, what Mother Nature will throw our way.” said Al Kelly, head of the NY/NJ Super Bowl Host Committee, an organization with a snowflake in its logo and the tongue-in-cheek tagline: “Join the world’s biggest huddle.” From the beginning, the committee decided to welcome the prospect of cold and snowy weather. To help fans stay warm, each game ticketholder will receive a “warm welcome” package containing earmuffs, tissues, lip balm and hand-warmers. Several pavilions designated as “warming spots" will also be stationed outside the stadium.
To drive home the wintry theme, a 60-foot (18-meter) high toboggan run will be set up in Manhattan on “Super Bowl Boulevard,” a 14-block outdoor celebra tion of all things footballrelated, centered around Times Square. Organizers expect more than a million people to visit the boulevard, which will also feature a concert stage, an autograph stage containing the Vince Lombardi Trophy and broadcast sets for all of the major television networks. Cold-weather games are really nothing new for the NFL. And if it does snow, organizers will be ready for it. Both states are prepared to put their full arsenal of plows and salt trucks to make sure that roads are clear and safe. “You know New York City, you know Broadway,” said Tim Tompkins, president of the Times Square Alliance. “The show must go on.’Q
In this Jan. 21, 2007, file photo, steam rises off the head of New Orleans Saints defensive tackle Hollis Thomas as he watches from the bench during the fourth quarter of the NFC championship football game against the Chicago Bears, in Chicago.
Associated Press

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NHL Capsules
Devils rally past Ducks late, winning
The Associated Press ANAHEIM, California (AP)
— Jaromir Jagr scored the tying goal with 1:01 left in regulation as the New Jersey Devils ended Anaheim's eight-game home winning streak to open the season with a 4-3 victory over the Ducks on Wednesday.
Travis Zajac got credit for the winning goal at 2:58 of overtime, but the Ducks put it in their own net. Ben Lovejoy hit teammate Corey Perry with the puck while attempting to clear the crease, and it caromed past Jonas Hiller to end the longest season-opening home winning streak in Anaheim history.
Ryan Getzlaf scored the tiebreaking power-play goal, and Nick Bonino had a goal and an assist for the NHL-leading Ducks, who have lost five straight. Anaheim was the league's only remaining unbeaten home team.
Martin Brodeur stopped 22 shots for the Devils. PENGUINS 4, CAPITALS 0 WASHINGTON (AP) — Sidney Crosby delivered a goal and an assist to get the better of a quiet
Anaheim Ducks defenseman Luca Sbisa, right, of Italy, collides into New Jersey Devils defenseman Marek Zidlicky (2), of the Czech Republic, in the first period of an NHL hockey game on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013, in Anaheim, Calif.
Associated Press
Alex Ovechkin in the past league MVPs’ first matchup as division rivals, as Pittsburgh ended a threegame road losing streak by
beating Washington.
Marc-Andre Fleury needed to make only 18 saves for his second shutouf fhis season and 25fh in the NHL. Paul
Martin and Beau Bennett scored less than 5'A minutes apart to give Pittsburgh a 2-0 lead in a first period it dominated, outshooting Washington 17-6.
Crosby, who assisted on Martin’s goal, then netted his 11th on a power play with 29 seconds remaining in the second period. James Neal made it 4-0 with a goal 7:16 into the third.
Pittsburgh wound up with 40 shots.
WILD 4, SENATORS 3 OTTAWA, Ontario (AP) — Mikko Koivu scored the tiebreaking goal in the closing minutes of the third period and added two assists to lift Minnesota over Ottawa. Koivu netted the winner with 2:57 left, allowing the Wild to rebound from a 6-2 loss in Montreal on Tuesday. Former Senators forward Dany Heatley had a goal and an assist for fhe Wild (14-5-4), as did Jonas Brodin. Jason Pominville had the other goal, and Zach Parise had two assists.
Milan Michalek scored on the power play as the teams approached the midway point of the third period to pull the Senators
In this photo taken on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2013, Lydia Ko, of New Zealand, hits a tee shot during the pro-am of the LPGA Titleholders golf tournament at the Tiburon Golf Club in Naples, Fla.
Associated Press
Lydia Ko
Continued from page 18
Another shot behind was a group that included Lexi Thompson, coming off a win lasf week in Mexico, and Anna Nordqvisf, who can make more money by winning fhis week than she has all year.
First place is worth $700,000, the biggest payoff in women’s golf.
Ko wasn’t thinking about money, even though this is the first event where she can take home a paycheck — and there is no cut in the 69-player field. The starfer introduced her by asking the gallery of about 100 people to “welcome to the LPGA Tour, Lydia Ko.” She calmly hit driver down the left side of the fairway on the par-5 opening hole.
“Just normal,” Ko said. “I
didn't feel too odd or special or slow or whatever today. That actually surprised me. I thought I would be much more nervous. And actually, one of the good things was I wasn’t thinking about any money or related stuff. I just tried to play my game, which was obviously very helpful."
She missed a 5-foot birdie putt on the first hole, and then really ran into problems on the third. Ko pulled her tee shot through a waste area of coquina pebbles and just into the pine straw. She tried to play a draw toward the right side of the green, but was distracted when her club clipped a branch at the top of her swing, and her foot slipped. She didn't get out of fhe waste area, and then took two more shots to reach the green and made a 4-footer for double bogey.
“I think I was a bit too ambitious,” she said. “A 7-iron down the right side would have given me more than an opportunity to make up-and-down for par."
It probably wasn’t a coincidence that Michelle Wie
played in the same group. Wie also was 16 when she made her pro debut in the 2005 Samsung World Championship at Bighorn, a small field with no cut. She opened with a 70.
“On the first tee, watch
-3 in OT
even with the Wild. It appeared that goal would at least get the Senators to overtime.
Kyle Turris and Mika Zibanejad also scored for the Senators (8-10-4), who have lost three straight and four of five.
CALGARY, Alberta (AP) — Defenseman Nikita Nikitin scored his first goal of the season 2:25 into overtime to give Columbus a victory against Calgary.
When David Savard’s shot was blocked by Mikael Backlund in front, the puck caromed out to Nikitin, who had an empty net with Reto Berra down and out. Nick Foligno also scored for Columbus (8-11-3). The Blue Jackets are 2-1 with two stops left on a five-game road frip.
Joe Colborne scored for Calgary (7-11-4), which has lost six straight at home (05-1).
In other NHL games it was Minnesota 4, Ottawa 3; Pittsburgh 4, Washington 0; Columbus 2, Calgary 1, OT; and New Jersey 4, Anaheim 3, OT.Q
ing her hit, I remembered my first shot," Wie said. “I remember shaking on the first tee. I hit the fairway and my hands went up in the air.
There were definitely flashbacks to when I hit. She played great today. She looked calm — a lot calmer than I looked.”
Ko can only hope for a better outcome.
Wie tied for fourth in her pro debut, but she didn't get the $53,126 because tour officials determined she had taken a penalty drop in the wrong spot. She was disqualified for signing for the wrong score.
Ko did well not to let the round get away from her. She turned a birdie chance into a shocking bogey on No. 7 with a three-putt from jusf inside 15 feef, missing a 2-footer for par when she tried to jam it into the back of the hole. □
James scores 21, Heat roll past Magic 120-92
The Associated Press ORLANDO, Florida (AP)
— LeBron James had 21 points and seven assists and Chris Bosh scored 18 as the Miami Heat beat the Orlando Magic 120-92 on Wednesday for their fifth straight victory.NBA Capsules James Jones scored 14 of his 17 points in the third quarter, when the Heat turned what was a five-point game into a runaway.
All five Miami starters sat out the fourth quarter for the second straight night, and Dwyane Wade sat out the whole way once again to give his knees more rest. Michael Beasley scored 14 points and Chris Andersen added 10 for the Heat, who opened the game on a 16-0 run, lost the lead briefly in the second quarter, then dominated after halftime. Arron Afflalo scored 20 of his 30 points in the first half for Orlando and went 7 of 9 from 3-point range. Victor Oladipo added 20 points but had eight turnovers, giving him 17 in his past two games.
PACERS 103, KNICKS 96, OT NEW YORK (AP) — Paul George made three free throws to tie it with 5.2 seconds left in regulation, then scored nine of his seasonhigh 35 points in overtime as Indiana handed New York its sixth straight defeat at home.
New York scored the first 13 points, but this settled into a playoff-type game between teams that met in the postseason last May. And it again went to the Pacers, who bounced back from their first loss after a franchise-record 9-0 start.
George Hill added 23 points and eight rebounds for the Pacers, who beat the Knicks in six games in last season’s Eastern Conference semifinals. Just as in the clincher of that series, Roy Hibbert had a pivotal block on Carmelo Anthony’s drive to the basket. Anthony had 30 points and 18 rebounds for the Knicks.
DALLAS (AP) — Monta Ellis had a season-high 37 points and assisted on the go-ahead basket for Dallas to spoil Dwight Howard’s best offensive night for Houston.
Dallas was down one when Ellis drove and zipped a pass to Shawn Marion in the corner for the go-ahead 3-pointer with 47 seconds left.
Houston's James Harden had a chance to tie it with 9 seconds left but missed the second of two free throws. Jose Calderon made two free throws after a Houston foul, and Harden shof an airball on a 3-poinf try in the final seconds.
Howard made his first 11 shots and scored a seasonhigh 33 points.
Dirk Nowitzki finished with a season-high 35, including 14 in the fourth, and passed Reggie Miller for 15th on the NBA scoring list. Nowitzki has 25,298 points, 18 ahead of Miller.
The Rockets led by 18 late in the third quarter before the Mavericks rallied in the fourth by shooting 74 percent and outscoring Houston 36-19.
TRAIL BLAZERS 91, BUCKS 82 MILWAUKEE (AP) — LaMarcus Aldridge scored 21 points and Damian Lillard added 19 as Portland beat Milwaukee for ifs eighth straight win.
Wesley Matthews had 15 points, all in the first half, to help Portland complete a sweep of a four-game Eastern Conference road trip. The Trail Blazers have won 10 of 12 to start the season.
Luke Ridnour scored 13 points to lead the Bucks, who lost their sixth in a row. Portland held the lead throughout the second half but the Blazers had difficulty pulling away from the struggling Bucks. Lillard had a breakaway dunk and a 3-pointer to put Portland up 89-78, and the Bucks got no closer than seven again.
Miami Heat’s LeBron James (6) makes a shot as he is guarded by Orlando Magic's Maurice Harkless (21) and Solomon Jones, right, during the first half of an NBA basketball game in Orlando, Fla., Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013.
Associated Press
SPURS 104, CELTICS 93 SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Tony Parker scored 19 points and San Antonio beat Boston to win its eighth straight overall and remain undefeated at home.
Kawhi Leonard had 16 points and Tim Duncan rebounded from a poor outing in San Antonio's previous home game to score 13 points. Boris Diaw had 12 points, Tiago Splitter added 11 points and 10 rebounds and Danny Green 11 points for the Spurs (10-1).Avery Bradley, Jeff Green and Jared Sullinger each had 19 points for Boston, which has lost five straight. RAPTORS 108, 76ERS 98 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — DeMar DeRozan scored 33 points and Rudy Gay had 18 to help Toronto beat Philadelphia.
In a down year so far in the Atlantic Division, the Raptors (5-7) wrested away first place from the Sixers (5-8). DeRozan and Gay dominated the Sixers in the second half to turn this one into a rout. Gay hit a pair of 3-pointers and scored 15 points in the third quarter, and DeRozan scored 30 points through the first three quarters to build a 16-point lead.
Spencer Hawes hit his first nine shots and finished with 28 points and 10 rebounds for the 76ers.
Philadelphia’s fourth
straight loss came on the heels of an 0-3 road trip.
WIZARDS 98, CAVALIERS 91 CLEVELAND (AP) — Bradley Beal scored 26 points and Nene added 24 to lead Washington over Cleveland.
John Wall and Martell Webster both scored 15 points for Washington, which took control early and held off Cleveland’s lafe charge. □
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Maria Sharapova hires Sven Groeneveld as coach
In this Aug. 4, 2012 file photo, Maria Sharapova returns a shot to Serena Williams in the women's singles gold medal match at the at Wimbledon, in London, at the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Associated Press
The Associated Press Maria Sharapova has hired Sven Groeneveld as her coach, three months after splitting from Jimmy Connors following one match. The four-time major champion says on her Facebook account on Thursday: “It has been a very seamless transition and I have had a lot of fun with the hard
work we have put in so far." Sharapova was injured for most of the second half of 2013, playing only one match since a secondround loss at Wimbledon in June. That match, in August at Cincinnati, was a loss — and her only competition while working with Connors.
Connors replaced Thomas Hogstedt, Sharapova's coach for more than two years.
Groeneveld has been a part of the Adidas tennis development program and worked with players such as Ana Ivanovic and Andy MurrayO
IOC chief: toughest antidoping program for Sochi
SEOUL, South Korea (AP)
— IOC President Thomas Bach says the Winter Olympics in Sochi will feature “the toughest anti-doping program we've ever had at the Olympic Games." Bach spoke Thursday during a visit to Seoul to review preparations by the South Korean city of Pyeongchang for the 2018 Winter Games.
The 2014 Olympics will be
held in Sochi from Feb. 7-23. Bach says “both with regards to quantity as well as quality this will be the toughest anti-doping program we’ve ever had at the Olympic Games."
He praised Pyeongchang organizers for making progress in their preparations but said the real work will begin when the Sochi Games close and the flag is handed to Pyeongchang.Q
Jury orders Samsung to pay Apple $290 million
PAUL ELIAS Associated Press SAN JOSE, California (AP)
— A Silicon Valley jury on Thursday ordered Samsung Electronics to pay Apple $290 million for copying vital iPhone and iPad features.
The verdict covers 13 older Samsung devices that a previous jury found were among 26 Samsung products that infringed Apple patents.
The previous jury awarded Apple $1.05 billion. But U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh ordered the new trial and tossed out $450 million of the damages after concluding the previous jury miscalculated the amount Samsung owed.
Samsung appealed that verdict and is expected to appeal the latest verdict.
A third trial is scheduled for March to consider Apple’s claims that Samsung's newest devices on the
market also copied Apple’s technology.
Apple and Samsung are the world’s two biggest smartphone makers. The bitter rivals have been waging a global battle for supremacy of the $300 billion worldwide market. Apple has argued in courts, government tribunals and regulatory agencies around the world that Samsung’s Android-based phones copy vital iPhone features. Samsung is fighting back with its own complaints that some key Apple patents are invalid and Apple has copied Samsung's technology. Samsung lawyer William Price argued Apple is misconstruing the breadth of its patents to include such things as the basic rectangle shape of most smartphones today.
“Apple doesn’t own beautiful and sexy,” Price told the San Jose jury.
Gov’t weighs permitting cellphone calls on planes
In this Oct. 31, 2013, file photo, phone before a flight in Boston.
JOAN LOWY SCOTT MAYEROWITZ Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. government regulators say rules against making cellphone calls during airline flights are “outdated,” and it’s time to change them. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said in a statement Thursday the commission is proposing greater in-flight access to mobile broadband. The proposal will be considered at the commission's Dec. 12 meeting. Wheeler says modern tech
a passenger checks her cell
Associated Press
nologies can deliver mobile services in the air safely and reliably. He says — quote — “the time is right to review our outdated and restrictive rules.”
Flight attendants and others have worried that a plane full of chattering passengers could lead to arguments and undermine safety. The Federal Aviation Administration recently lifted restrictions on the use of most personal electronic devices during takeoffs and landings, but not cellphone calls, which fall under the FCC.Q
Harold Mcllhenny, center, an attorney representing Apple Computer in the Apple Samsung trial, exits a federal courthouse Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2013, in San Jose, Calif.
Associated Press
Apple attorney William Lee told the jury that Samsung used Apple's technology to lift it from an also-ran in the smartphone market three years ago to the biggest seller of them in the world today.
“Apple can never get back to where it should have
been in 2010,” Lee told the jury Tuesday at the conclusion of the weeklong trial. The fight in San Jose is particularly contentious. The courtroom is a 15-minute drive from Apple's Cupertino headquarters, and several prospective jurors were dismissed because of their
ties to the company.
The South Korean-based Samsung has twice sought to stop the trial, accusing Apple on Tuesday of unfairly trying to inflame patriotic passions by urging jurors to help protect American companies from overseas competitors. □
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History is made:
Dow average closes above 16,000
Jones industrial average closed above 16,000 for the first time Thursday as encouraging news on the job market pushed stocks higher.
The Dow has been on fire lately, propelled higher by
a combination of solid corporate earnings, a steadily strengthening economy and easy-money policies from the Federal Reserve. Since the start of the year, the blue-chip index is up 22 percent. If it holds onto those gains, the Dow will have its best year since 2003. The Dow topped 14,000 in February and
15,000 in May.
“People are getting out of bonds into stocks," said Steven Ricchiuto, chief economist at Mizuho Securities. “We're in the early stages of a recovery.”
The Dow rose 109.17 points, or 0.7 percent, to close at 16,009.99. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 14.48 points, or 0.8 percent, to
Traders Peter Tuchman, left, and Eugene Mauro confer on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 16,000 for the first time Thursday as encouraging news on the job market pushed stocks higher.
(AP Photo/Richard Drew)
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1,795.85. The Nasdaq composite rose 47.88 points, or 1.2 percent, to 3,969.15.
In a sign that investors are taking on more risk, smallcompany stocks rose at a much faster pace than the rest of the market. The Russell 2000 index jumped 19.83 points, or 1.8 percent, to 1,119.62.
The Labor Department reported before the market opened that applications for unemployment benefits dropped last week to the
lowest level since September. The number of applications is close to where it was before the Great Recession.
General Motors rose after the U.S. government said it expects to sell its remaining stake in the company by the end of the year. The Treasury Department still owns 31.3 million shares of the auto giant after bailing it out five years ago. GM gained 43 cents or 1.1 percent, to $38.120
Survey: EU recovery slowing down
PAN PYLAS Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Further evidence emerged Thursday to show that the economic recovery in the 17-country eurozone is already losing steam, just months after it emerged from its longestever recession.
Financial information company Markit said its purchasing managers' index — a gauge of business activity — fell in November to a three-month low of 51.5 points from 51.9 the previous month. The fall was unexpected — most economists had been predicting a modest rise to around 52. Even though the index remained above the 50 mark that indicates expansion for the fifth month running, the surprise decline adds to the recent weight of evidence suggesting that the eurozone recovery is not gaining traction.
Figures last week showed that the eurozone economy only grew 0.1 percent in the third quarter from the previous three-month pe riod, down on the second quarter's 0.3 percent advance.
Though details from many individual countries have yet to be collected, Thursday’s survey did point to starkly different conditions across the region. While France lagged, Germany's growth appears to be gaining momentum.
It also showed a worrisome drop in prices, an indication demand is weak. “Prices charged for goods and services fell at a faster rate in November, despite firms’ inpuf costs rising at the steepest clip for over a year," said Markit's chief economist Chris Williamson.
A drop in prices increases the risk of deflation — a chronic fall in prices that can hurt consumer spending for years. Deflation has become a key concern for the European Central Bank since the consumer price inflation rate fell to just 0.7 percent in the year to October, far below its target of just under 2 percent. □

Sears 3Q loss widens as sales soften at stores
HOFFMAN ESTATES, Illinois (AP) — Sears’ third-quarter loss widened as the ailing department store operator’s results were hurt by weaker sales at its Kmart and Sears stores.
The quarterly results underscore the challenges Sears faces as it heads into the critical holiday shopping season. This period is important for retailers because it can comprise up to 40 percent of their annual revenue.
The retailer is also in the midst of shifting its business, with less emphasis on its brick-and-mortar stores. It has nearly 2,500 stores in the U.S. and Canada.
“We are transitioning from a business that has historically focused on running a store network into a business that provides and delivers value by serving its members in the manner most convenient for them: whether in store, in home or through digital devices," Chairman and CEO Edward Lampert said in a statement.
Sears is concentrating on
its Shop Your Way Loyalty program, with Lampert saying that the company is enhancing membership benefits and developing digital and social relationships with members. The retailer said that 70 percent of its sales are made to Shop Your Way members, up from 65 percent in the second quarter.
For the three months ended Nov. 2, Sears Holdings Corp. lost $534 million, or $5.03 per share. That compares with a loss of $498 million, or $4.70 per share, a year earlier.
The Hoffman Estates, Illinois, company said Thursday that revenue fell 7 percent to $8.27 billion from $8.86 billion mostly because it had fewer Sears and Kmart stores operating.
Revenue at stores open at least a year dropped 3.1 percent. The figure fell 4 percent at Sears’ locations and declined 2.1 percent at Kmart stores.
Revenue at stores open at least a year is a key gauge of a retailer’s health because it excludes re
Israeli energy startup buys bankrupt electric car firm
JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli energy startup has taken over the remains of Israel's trailblazing — and now bankrupt — electric car venture, the new owner said Thursday.
Ran Eloya, founder and CEO of Gnrgy Ltd., said his company bought the remaining assets of Better Place for less than $450,000, a fraction of its $2 billion valuation less than two years ago.
Better Place filed for liquidation in May, six years after promising to revolutionize the auto industry by reducing the world’s oil dependency. The company burned through hundreds of millions of dollars building a network of chargers and battery-swapping stations, but experienced poor sales.
Eloya said his company would focus on operating the 1,800 public charging spots that service Israel's
more than 1,000 electric cars but would not sell cars or provide battery-swap services as Better Place did. Officials in the Israeli economics ministry and the courts said they were not immediately aware of the deal.
Better Place launched its operations in 2007 to great fanfare, starting out as a source of pride and a symbol of Israel's status as a global high-tech power. But it shut down in May after failing to sell its silent fleet of French-made sedans to a skeptical public. It capped a stunning fall from grace for Better Place and its founder Shai Agassi. He believed that in an era of global warming and rising oil prices, environmentally friendly electric cars could be the wave of the future, if a way could be found to overcome the limited range of their batteries. □
suits from stores recently opened or closed.
Sears, like other stores catering to low to middle income shoppers, is navigating a difficult economic
environment. Its shoppers are grappling with old worries like juggling their stagnant wages with daily living costs. On top of that, many low-to-middle income
shoppers continue to struggle with a 2 percentagepoint increase in the Social Security payroll tax since Jan. 1. They’re also facing rising health care costs.□
Shoppers enter a Sears department store location in Dedham, Mass. Sears Holdings reported mixed quarterly earnings on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013.
(AP Photo/Steven Senne)
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Conceptis Sudoku


Mother Goose & Grimm
'iHUp-mutyl 1HUP thupM *TWP> THUP*
11/22 ^
Baby Blues
POg^'T WtovlTUKT
t&WtPG IT.

thingyoj PIPNT $EEIT
Difficulty Level ★ ★ ★ ★
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
1 Black Jack or Juicy Fruit 4 Run chase 9 “For Your _ Only”; 007 film 13 Individuals
15 Idaho’s capital
16 Company symbol
17 Evergreen tree
18 Freeway entrances
19 Therefore
20 Like stormy weather
22 Lifejacket,e.g.
23 Diagrams on GPS screens
24 Gorilla, for one 26 Skillful
29 Tardiness
34 Old familiar hangout
35 Blanket
36 Gobbled up
37 Concludes
38 Bette or Geena
39 Monster
40 Highest spade
41 Punctured
42 Dinner course
43 Insane
45 Jails
46 Actor’s hint
47 Knit with reverse stitch
48 Fashionable 51 Artificial
56 Seldom seen
57 _ cats and dogs; pours
58 Butterfly catchers’ needs
60 Sitting upon
61 Pyle or Els
62 Landing place
63 Inclination
64 Compact _; CDs
65 For what reason?
1 Republican Party, for short
2 Military division
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews
Thursday’s Puzzle Solved
3 List of dishes
4 Sudden
5 Young horses
6 On _; prompt
7 Sports network
8 Says again
9 Five and six
10 Olden times
11 Breakfast order
12 Hearth residue 14 Pulpit talks
21 Fishing worms
25 _ person; each
26 _ of time; early
27 Hula or hora
28 More boorish
29 Was crazy about
30 Gung-ho
31 Bird of prey
32 Wander off
33 Sunflower _; healthy snack
35 Give a hoot 38 Like the pages of a well-read book
(c) 2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.
39 Raiders’ home
41 African antelope
42 Categorize
44 Take willingly
45 Handbags
47 Sudden fright
48 Cancer the zodiac sign
49 Despise
50 Element whose symbol is Fe
52 Indian robe
53 Brooches
54 Cat’s cry
55 Engrave 59 Wild blue

Frequent tests can enhance college learning, study finds
BENEDICT CAREY © 2013 New York Times
Grading college students on quizzes given at the beginning of every class, rather than on midterms or a final exam, increases both attendance and overall performance, scientists reported Wednesday.
The findings - from an experiment in which 901 students in a popular introduction to psychology course at the University of Texas took their laptops to class and were quizzed online - demonstrate that the computers can act as an aid to teaching, not just a distraction.
Moreover, the study is the latest to show how tests can be used to enhance learning as well as measure it. The report, appearing in the journal PLoS One, found that this “testing effect" was particularly strong in students from lower-income households. Psychologists have known for almost a century that altering the timing of tests can affect performance. In the past decade, they have shown that taking a test - say, writing down all you can remember from a studied prose passage can deepen the memory of that passage better than further study.
The new findings stand as a large-scale prototype for how such testing effects can be exploited in the digital era, experts said, though they cautioned that it was not yet clear how widely they could be applied.
“This study is important because it introduces a new method to implement frequent quizzing with feedback in large classrooms, which can be difficult to do,” said Jeffrey D. Karpicke, a professor of psychology af Purdue Univer sity, who was not involved in the study.
He added, “This is the first large study to show that classroom quizzing can help reduce achievement gaps” due to socioeconomic background.
On the first day of their Psych 301 course in fall 2011, James W. Pennebaker and Samuel D. Gosling
- who have taught it jointly for years - instructed all 901 students to bring a laptop to class, if fhey had one (they all did).
The students then learned why: They would be taking a short quiz in each subsequent class on their computer. The quizzes would be short and personalized
- seven questions that the entire class would answer, and one tailored to each student, usually a question from another quiz that he or she got wrong.
In place of a final exam, grades were based on cumulative quiz scores.
The questions “weren't impossible, as long as you did the reading and paid attention in class, but there were definitely some ‘thinkers,’” Namita Pallod, 18, who recently took the course in the quiz format, said by email. “The harder part for me was always when old questions you had missed previously came back.”
Most students hated it at first, Pennebaker said.
“Sam and I usually get really high course evaluations” from the students, he said; “these were the lowest ever.”
Gosling offered one explanation. “For the first few weeks, every time their friends went out drinking, they couldn't go; they had yet another test the next day.” Their co-author was Jason D. Ferrell, also at Texas.Q
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University of Texas students enrolled in Psych 301 take a quiz, as they did every day at the start of class, in lieu of a midterm or final exam. Researchers say the quizzes, conducted via laptop and designed to re-test students on facts they’d missed before, increased both attendance and overall performance.
(Marsha Miller via The New York Times)
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‘Monster’ cosmic blast zipped harmlessly by Earth
This image provided by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center shows an artists rendering on how a gamma ray burst occurs with a massive star collapsing and creating a black hole and beaming out focused and deadly light and radiation bursts.
SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Astronomers call it the monster. It was the biggest and brightest cosmic explosion ever witnessed. Had it been closer. Earth would have been toast.
Orbiting telescopes got the fireworks show of a lifetime last spring when they spotted what is known as a gamma ray burst in a faroff galaxy.
The only bigger display astronomers know of was the Big Bang that created the universe — and no one, of course, was around to witness that.
“This burst was a once-ina-century cosmic event,” NASA astrophysics chief Paul Hertz said at a news conference Thursday.
But because this blast was 3.7 billion light-years away, mankind was spared. In fact, no one on Earth could even see it with the naked eye.
A gamma ray burst happens when a massive star dies, collapses into a brand-new black hole, explodes in what's called a supernova and ejects energetic radiation. The radiation is as bright as can be as it travels across the universe at the speed of light. A planet caught in one of these bursts would lose its atmosphere instantly and would be left a burnt cinder, astronomers say.
NASA telescopes in orbit have been seeing these types of bursts for more than two decades, spotting one every couple of days. But this one, witnessed on April 27, set records, according to four studies published Thursday in the journal Science.
It flooded NASA instruments with five times the energy of its nearest competitor.
a 1999 blast, said University of Alabama at Huntsville astrophysicist Rob Preece, author of one of the studies.
It started with a star that had 20 to 30 times the mass of our sun but was only a couple of times wider, so it was incredibly dense. It exploded in a certain violent way.
In general, gamma ray bursts are “the most titanic explosions in the universe,” and this one was so big that some of the telescope instruments hit their peak, Preece said. It was far stronger and lasted longer than previous ones.
“I call it the monster," Preece said. In fact, one of the other studies, not written by Preece, used the word “monster” in its title, unusual language for a scientific report.
One of the main reasons this was so bright was that relative to the thousands of other gamma ray bursts astronomers have seen, the monster was pretty close by cosmic standards. A
light-year is almost 6 trillion miles, (almost 10 trillion kilometers)
Most of the bursts NASA telescopes have seen have been twice as distant as this one. Other explosions could be this big, but they are so much farther away, they don’t seem so bright when they reach Earth, the studies’ authors say. Astronomers say it is incredibly unlikely that a gamma ray burst — especially a big one like this — could go off in our galaxy, near us. Harvard's Avi Loeb, who wasn’t part of the studies, put the odds at at least 1 in 10 million.
PASADENA, California (AP)
— The Mars rover Curiosity has temporarily stopped science observations while NASA checks out an electrical problem.
The space agency said Wednesday the voltage change was first discov
Associated Press
Our galaxy doesn’t have many of the type of star that lends itself to gamma ray bursts, said Charles Dermer, a co-author of the studies and an astrophysicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.
“The chance of anything happening and being dangerous is virtually nil,” Dermer said.
Also, because a burst is concentrated like a focused searchlight or a death beam, it has to be pointing at you to be seen and to be dangerous. “Either it's pointed at us or it's not," Preece said. “If it's not, yay! Civilization sur
ered on Sunday and engineers think it might be some kind of short.
The six-wheel, nuclearpowered rover halted work as a precaution.
So far, there’s no sign that the problem is related to a computer reboot earlier
vives and we see maybe a supernova. If it were pointed at us, then it matters very much how far away it is in our galaxy. If it's in our local arm, well, we had a good run.”
Some theorize that a mass extinction on Earth 450 million years ago was caused by a gamma ray burst in a nearby part of our galaxy, but Dermer said that’s unlikely. We don’t see gamma ray bursts from the surface of Earth because the atmosphere obscures them and because most of their light is the type we cannot see with our eyes. That's why NASA has satellites that look for them.
This burst was so bright telescopes on Earth saw a brief flash in the constellation Leo.
For scientists, this was a wow moment.
“These are really neat explosions,” said Peter Michelson, a Stanford physicist who is the chief scientist for one of the instruments on a NASA gamma ray burst-spotting telescope. “If you like fireworks, you can’t beat these. Other than the Big Bang itself, these are the biggest there are.”
The burst “is part of the cycle of birth and life and death in the universe,” Michelson said. “You and I are made of the stuff that came from a supernova.
this month that put Curiosity in safe mode.
Curiosity landed in a Martian crater in August 2012 and has spent the last several months driving toward its ultimate destination, Mount SharpO
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NASA diagnosing problem on Mars rover Curiosity

James McBride wins National Book Award
HILLEL ITALIE AP National Writer NEW YORK (AP) — James McBride’s The Good Lord Bird,” the comic and terrifying adventures of a disguised black child caught up in John Brown’s abolitionist crusade, was the winner Wednesday night of the National Book Award for fiction.
George Packer's brutal examination of the modern class wars, “The Unwinding: An Inner History of fhe New America,” won for nonfiction during a dinner ceremony at Cipriani Wall Street in downtown Manhattan. Cynthia Kadohata’s “The Thing About Luck” won for young people's literature and Mary Szybist’s “Incardine" won for poetry. McBride, the picture of style in a tux and pork pie hat, confided during his acceptance speech that in recent years his mother and niece had died and that his marriage had collapsed.
He found consolation in his
novel and its protagonist, a boy pretending to be a girl and nicknamed “Onion" by Brown, who recruited him for his ill-fated attempt to free the slaves.
“It was always nice to have somebody whose world I could just fall into and just follow him around," said McBride, best known for his million-selling memoir “The Color of Wafer.”
Packer, a staff writer for The New Yorker, praised some of fhe workers who allowed him to tell their stories. He said that he hoped his book would “illuminate some of what’s gone wrong in America” in recent years but also “some of what's gone right.”
Kadohata, a winner in previous years of the prestigious Newbery award for children's books, was awarded Wednesday for her story of two children being cared for by their Japanese grandparents. Szybist, who won for her collection of religious-themed poems, said that writing itself was
an act of faith and self-discovery.
“It's what some describe as soul-making,” she said. Winners, chosen by five member panels of writers, booksellers and others from the publishing community, each received $10,000. Honorary medals were presented to Maya Angelou, introduced and praised by Toni Morrison as a balm against the “toxicity” of the world, and E.L. Doctorow, who acknowledged the allure of the Internet and warned against its dangers.
“Everyone in this room is in the free speech business," he said, referring to the many reports of extensive government surveillance. □
In this Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 file photo, author and filmmaker James McBride poses for a portrait during the 2012 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.
Associated Press
DiCaprio Foundation donates $3M to WWF
NEW YORK (AP) — Leonardo DiCaprio wants to help the tiger population of Nepal.
His Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has awarded $3 million in grants to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to work with the Nepal government on protecting the animals.
In a statement Wednesday, the actor and activist said he’s “hopeful” the money will help “exceed the goal” of doubling fhe tiger population that exists in Nepal now.
The money will help build up anti-poaching patrols and protect and restore areas for them to breed
This Oct. 24, 2013 file photo shows Leonardo DiCaprio at Giorgio Armani’s “One Night Only New York” fashion show in New York.
Associated Press
and expand.
The hope is to increase the number of figers in Nepal by 2022, which is fhe Chinese Year of the Tiger. Thirty-nine-year-old DiCaprio is a WWF board member. □
The Ritz Carlton
With the Official Grand Opening
On our
Happy island Aruba The RitzOirltdn'
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FRIDAY 22 NOVEMBER 2013|rfcwr^fc Of Hllltf _ ==s==SsS=^
Cosby: laughs but no jokes, and far from finished
FRAZIER MOORE AP Television Writer NEW YORK (AP) — It was
30 years ago when he last filmed a concert special. Now he's gone and done it again. “Bill Cosby: Far From Finished" finds this king of comedy onstage in Cerritos, Calif., where he rules for the 90-minute special airing Saturday on Comedy Central (8 p.m. EST).
Still, it’s fair to ask: Why so long a break, and why now for his return?
“There's a gap,” says Cosby during an interview this week, “between people knowing what I do and really believing that I still do that — and wondering what it is I really do.”
This audience-awareness gap, he believes, is among the younger demo drawn to Comedy Central. He aims to school those viewers in the principle established by his 1963 debut album: “Bill Cosby Is a Very Funny Fellow... Right!" Since the early 1960s, Cosby has had a stellar career, including records, books, films and social advocacy. And, of course, television, where he broke the color barrier in the first of his many series, “I Spy,” in the ‘60s, and scored strato spheric success with “The Cosby Show” (1984-92). Now, at age 76, he keeps up a busy itinerary doing the thing that got him started: being onstage saying things all sorts of people find funny and true.
So, another question: Why keep up this grueling pace? “I don’t do anything,” he contends in his meandering style. “I go to the airport and people come up to me while we're waiting for
the flight: ‘May I take a picture?' Click, click."
And then, just like that (or he would have you believe), he takes the stage somewhere and it's showtime.
“I take a bow. I grab the mic and I begin to put it on. And we're in show business! It is wonderful and I just enjoy it!"
On his new special, as always, Cosby frames life in universal terms, albeit
now from the perspective of a septuagenarian with a solid if sometimes trying marriage, plus kids and grandkids, a sweet tooth he shouldn’t indulge, and a habit of losing things.
“I’m telling you now, I’m not afraid to say it, I lost my key,” he tells the audience with leisurely yet manicured pacing: “It was given to me. I lost my key to the house. That was 48 years ago. I don’t have a key."
The audience eats it up, rewarding Cosby, he says, with “a sense of how much they understand and trust" him.
“With that, it raises the selfesteem," he goes on, as if at this phase of his storied career self-esteem were ever at issue, “and I am now driving as a coachman would, with some horses that can really moooove out.
“But you don’t want to go TOO fast,” he cautions, “because you have the carriage you're on, the wheels, the balance.” Meanwhile, what you don't have, if you're Cosby, is jokes.
“NO jokes! I tell stories,” he declares. “Because I believe you can do things that joke tellers can't do, and that is, bring your audience along."
That's what he discovered at Temple University in 1960, when, as a lad from a downtrodden Philly neighborhood, he rose to the challenge of his Remedial English professor. The assignment was to write a theme about the first time he’d ever done something. Cosby wrote an account of having pulled one of his own teeth. □
Liam Hemsworth: ‘I’m more grounded than ever’
In this Monday, Nov. 18, 2013 file photo, Liam Hemsworth poses for a photo with fans as he arrives at the Los Angeles premiere of “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” at Nokia Theatre LA Live.
Associated Press
The post-Miley Liam Hemsworth says he’s in a really good place.
“I’m more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever
been in my whole life,” said “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” star, who broke up with fiance Miley Cyrus in September. Hemsworth had proposed to Cyrus in 2012 after they met on the set of “The Last
Song” in 2010.
“Over the last five years I’ve learned so much," said the 23-year-old Australianborn actor, who moved to Los Angeles at 18 to take on Hollywood. “The first few years in LA were really tough and scary, but I had to figure things out for myself.” Hemsworth’s popularity jumped after he appeared in the first “Hunger Games” in 2012, but it was his relationship with Cyrus that generated the most publicity for him.
He was unfazed by the tabloid attention, however. “What I always keep in mind is that I know what the truth is and that's all that matters,” said the ac tor at a recent studio event to promote “Catching Fire.” ”1 know I'm a good person and these days I feel like I’m more centered and grounded than I’ve ever been.”
Hemsworth's big brother, 30-year-old “Thor: The Dark World” star Chris Hemsworth, applauds his sibling’s thick skin.
“I am far more sensitive to that stuff and would probably take it more personally," he told The Associated Press recently. “My No. 1 rule is don’t Google yourself. But Liam can just close the door and go ‘Yeah, whatever.’ I admire that.” What contributes to the younger Hemsworth’s calm
nature? “I read a lot of Zen books,” he said. “And I grew up surfing, so that has always been my escape." He also has a fondness for kick-boxing. “But I don’t fight people,” he insisted. “It’s a mental release to go and beat the (expletive) out of a bag for an hour.” Returning as Gale Hawthorne in “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire," which opens Friday, Hemsworth said hanging with the film's cast, especially co-star Jennifer Lawrence, helped him stay positive. “For a few years I went down a path where I forgot to be in the moment and enjoy the moment,” he saidO
Fracking’s Achilles’ Heel

JOE NOCERA © 2013 New York Times
It’s not very often that someone starts his career as a geologist and then winds up as governor, but John Hickenlooper, the governor of Colorado, can make that claim.
“We had fracking when I was a working geologist in 1981,” he told me Monday. “It was very primitive. What really changed the world is when we got horizontal drilling. It was a technique that allowed you to recover a lot more natural gas.”
“But,” he added, almost poignantly, “it’s been polarizing.” That’s for sure. During the last election two weeks ago, four Colorado communities voted to ban hydraulic fracturing (to use the proper terminology). A fifth town, Longmont, voted against fracking a year ago, resulting in a lawsuit brought by the oil and gas industry and joined by the state of Colorado. It is a state where the owner of a parcel of land doesn’t necessarily own the mineral rights underground, which is a source of enormous tension. Colorado has tens of thousands of wells - an economic boon - and also some of the most vocal anti-fracking activists in the country.
Which perhaps helps explain why Monday’s announcement that Colorado has come up with rules to regulate the leakage of methane from fracked wells has not exactly been greeted with hosannas. But it should be. Methane leakage is the Achilles’ heel of hydraulic fracturing. For all the fears that it might contaminate the water supply
- a possibility, yes, but not likely
- it is methane leakage that can moot the advantage of natural gas as a cleaner fuel than coal. It is well established that when natural gas is combusted, it has both environmental and climate change benefits - starting with the fact that natural gas emits half the carbon of coal.
But that advantage disappears when too much methane leaks during any part of the production process. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, “Methane is at least 28 times more powerful than C02 as a greenhouse gas over the longer term and at least 84 times more potent in the near term.” (Methane gradually loses its potency as a greenhouse gas over time.) “Our interest in natural gas as a bridge fuel is undermined when
methane leaks,” says Dan Grossman, the environmental fund’s Rocky Mountain regional director.
A bridge fuel is precisely what many in the environmental movement don’t want, of course. After all, natural gas may be cleaner, but it is still a fossil fuel - and thus, in their view, part of the problem because they believe that an abundance of natural gas could delay their long-sought nirvana of a world powered by alternative energy sources.
Meanwhile, here in the real world, new wells are being drilled every day, natural gas is becoming more abundant and the country is coming to depend on it. There is simply no way America is going to turn its back on natural gas.
Which is why the EDF approach makes so much more sense: Rather than calling, Don Quixote-like, for an end to fracking, it is working with states like Colorado to make it safer, more transparent and cleaner.
In 2011, for instance, it helped negotiate rules governing the disclosure of the chemicals in fracking compounds - a deal that was sealed with Hickenlooper, the industry and EDF representatives sharing a stage. In Wyoming, it has negotiated rules to require groundwater testing near wells to detect any possible contamination. In Texas, it was involved in coming up with regulations for well integrity. And, on Monday, along with Hickenlooper and some industry players in Colorado, it announced a set of proposed rules that would govern - and reduce - methane leakage.
In each case, EDF is pushing other states to adopt these rules, which, taken together, would help ensure that natural gas will live up to its promise of being a better, cleaner fuel.
The rules proposed on Monday in Colorado are both tough and sensible. Producers will have to test for leakage on a regular basis, monthly in some cases. They will have to avoid methane venting from wells. They will have to retrofit the valves on wells to minimize leakage.
Why would industry go along with tougher regulations? Precisely because so many people are skeptical about fracking. It needs to be able to show that it is going about it in a manner that is safe and environmentally sound. Shortly after Hickenlooper announced the proposed rules in a news conference, I called Sam Schabacker, the Mountain West regional director for a group called Food and Water Watch. He hadn’t yet read the proposed rules, but that didn’t stop him. These new rules were just a “smoke screen,” he said, designed to fool the public. EDF was giving industry “a veneer of respectability.” Then he added, “We believe that fracking is inherently unsafe and should be banned.”
Dream on.Q
MAUREEN DOWD © 2013 New York Times WASHINGTON - And I thought my family Thanksgivings were rough. My sister, who loved W. and worked on his 2000 convention, made it clear that I was not welcome in her guest room when I was writing about the phony run-up to the Iraq War. And my brother once scolded me at a holiday dinner, “If there was a hurricane, you’d blame Bush for it.”
Then the Katrina catastrophe unfolded, as W. blithely mountain biked in Crawford, and I did.
But my conservative siblings never would have quarreled with me in public. And, besides, as my sister once said, she knew I’d be the one holding her hand at the end, not W.
So it’s painful to watch the Cheney clan tear itself apart over politics - one of three titanically screwed-up political sibling relationships playing out now.
As The Wall Street Journal pointed out in a piece last year, “Sibling discord has been around since the Bible. Cain killed Abel. Leah stole Rachel’s intended husband, Jacob. Joseph fought bitterly with his 10 older half brothers. Parents often have a hand in fostering it.” The paper noted that research shows that “our sibling relationships are often the longest of our lives, lasting 80 years or more” and that
up to 45 percent of adults have “a rivalrous or distant relationship with a sibling,” even though such estrangement often causes regret later in life.
Being estranged is not the issue for the Ford brothers. Enabling is. For Doug, a member of Toronto’s City Council, family loyalty should be about ushering the deranged mayor of Toronto off the stage, not pushing a narrative that his brother is the “white Obama” while Rob is doing his embarrassing Chris Farley skit. (Farley’s brother says the comedian would have “crushed” the impression.) The brothers call each other “Jones” for some reason and call their political stronghold of suburban Toronto wards “Ford Nation.” They started their own talk show Monday night - canceled after one episode and appeared in tandem on the “Today” show.
Doug has been defending Rob to CNN and on the council floor by lambasting critics as hypocrites, and both brothers are vowing Godfather-style vengeance on the opposition - sane politicians who are worried about Toronto’s image with the mayor careering around, knocking down a council member, a 5-foot-tall grandmother; talking about smoking crack, parking lot urination, oral sex and drunken stupors; and warning his adversaries, “You guys have just attacked Kuwait.” Their damage control puts the emphasis on damage. When CNN’s Bill Weir asked Doug about the charge in The Globe and Mail of Toronto that he spent much of the ‘80s as a midlevel hash dealer, Doug replied: “I smoked marijuana, and I didn’t deal marijuana. If you want to go - calling, you know, going to your buddy, and says there is a joint for 10 bucks, if that’s what you want to call it?”
After saying he thought recreational marijuana should be illegal, Doug endorsed it, saying “if
someone is going to drink and get hammered, or some guy smokes a joint, and you’re going out with them, you’re - in my opinion, I’m going out with the guy who’s nice and calm.”
On Monday, the Toronto Council stripped the mayor of most of his power. The Times’ Jennifer Steinhauer reported that Rob raised his fist and shouted “Socialism’s great!” while Doug kept calling out to a heckler, “Bring it on, big guy.” Keep it classy, Ford Nation. The Cheney feud is the most stomach-turning, with Liz Cheney grubbing for a Senate seat as a carpetbagger against an incumbent Republican. What on earth makes her qualified to be a senator? And why didn’t she simply run in her real home state of Virginia?
The spectacle of Liz, Dick and Lynne Cheney bullying Mike Enzi, known in Congress as a real gentleman, is topped only by the spectacle of Liz, Dick and Lynne throwing Mary Cheney and her wife, Heather Poe, and their two children under the campaign bus.
Dick Cheney is given a lot of credit for saying during the 2004 campaign that states should define marriage and that “freedom means freedom for everyone.” But he said it - and Mary kept working on the campaign - while his party’s key strategy for keeping the White House was demonizing gays by drumming up state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage in 11 states, a way to lure conservatives to the polls.
Dick’s Secret Service code name was once “Backseat.” Liz’s should be “Backstab.”
As bruised family friend and former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson told NBC News about Liz, “It’s almost like, ‘I will do anything to win this race,’ because I cannot ever believe that there would be a breach between she and Mary.” □
Airstream, Mercedes team up on luxury motor home
An Airsteam Interstate motor home on a Mercedes-Benz chassis is displayed at the Los Angeles Auto Show in Los Angeles, Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2013.
(AP Photo/Chris Carlson)
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Airstream is going upscale.
The 81-year-old maker of the humble silver trailer is collaborating with German automaker MercedesBenz on a new luxury motor home. The Airstream Interstate, which went on sale earlier this month, made its first public appearance Tuesday at the Los Angeles Auto Show.
Airstream and Mercedes began making Interstates, which are based on Mercedes’ Sprinter vans, in 2010.
But the newest version has significant upgrades, including a collision warning system, lane-keeping alert and parking sensors. Options include a rooftop solar panel and a storage unit for golf clubs.
Under the hood, there’s a turbocharged Mercedes diesel engine that gets 18 mpg (13 liters per 100 kilometers) on the highway.
The 23-foot (7-meter)-long coach has belted seating for nine adults and sleeps two.
All this luxury doesn’t come cheap. The Interstate starts at $146,3000

Together we strive for excellent service.
Congratulates The Ritz-Carlton
with the Opening of its newest resort on the island.

Ai/n/sfer of Tourism , Transportation and Labor of Aruba
The Ritz-Carlton Aruba; a new level of luxury for the island
Oranjestad, The Minister of Tourism, Transportation and Labor is extremely proud to extend a warm “bon bini” and “pabien” to The Ritz-Carlton brand and to the over 500 Ladies and Gentleman working at
this luxury resort: ‘You will play an important role in our tourism industry moving forward and in the development of a new level of luxury for the entire island. It is a beautiful resort on Aruba's precious beach.
We welcome you and trust you will be an exemplary member of Aruba's community.' The Minister expressed.
The inclusion of a Ritz-Carlton brand in Aruba is a milestone in our tourism devel
Of llie prestigious
The Ritz Carlton
On our Happy Island Aruba
opment as The Ritz-Carlton represents the next level of luxury for the island. The legendary service provided by the Ladies and Gentleman of The Ritz-Carlton has established the brand at the top in the luxury line of hotels. Aruba, already famous for its warm hospitality and service amongst its guests, can be proud to join forces with The RitzCarlton who has a loyal following of guests seeking “the fulfillment of unexpressed wishes and needs.” Minister of Tourism, Transportation and Labor, Otmar E. Oduber, wish to thank this iconic brand for their trust and confidence in the island of Aruba. Aruba must be proud to be the eighty-fourth Ritz-Carlton in the world and the
seventh in Latin America and the Caribbean. It can be assured that Aruba, with its unique qualities and long history of success in tourism, is the right choice for The Ritz-Carlton. Together Aruba and The Ritz-Carlton will create unique, memorable experiences for guests and offer excellent opportunities for the ladies and gentlemen of our island. To all those involved in realizing the opening of this beautiful resort and to The RitzCarlton, Mr. Bill Marriott, Mr. Herve Humler, owner Walter Stipa, General Manager Roberto Grisi, thank you. Congratulations! Pabien! My best wishes for a successful opening and operations of The Ritz-Carlton in Aruba. □

Meet The Ritz-Carlton Aruba
Oranjestad, The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba, the hotel company’s newest Caribbean resort, opens today on the island's Palm Beach, it’s seventh in the Caribbean and Mexico region and it’s first since the debut of Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, in Puerto Rico in December 2012.
Aruba’s tag line of “One Happy Island” fits perfectly with the level of excitement as the opening day of the Ritz, according to Roberto Grisi, general manager and a long-time Marriott executive, who also has served in managerial positions at several of the company’s hotels in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. “That all of us are excited is an understatement,” he said. “The hotel design combines modern with traditional and carries the RitzCarlton stamp of elegance in the accommodations, facilities and service that is our trademark.”
Each of the Ritz’s 320 oceanfront guestrooms has balconies or terraces, ocean views “and a lot of space,” according to Grisi. The rooms themselves are 600 square feet, and the 55 suites are even larger. Guests staying on the seventh-floor Ritz-Carlton Club level will have the use of a private lounge, concierge services and five food and beverage selections throughout the day, including signature co*cktails.
Facilities include four restaurants, two pools, 24hour room service, a fitness center, the Ritz Kids’ Club, evening entertainment in the lobby and the French restaurant, watersports, nearby golf, property wide Wi-Fi and the second-largest casino on the island with 350 slot machines and 19 tables, open 24 hours a day.
The 15,000-square-foot spa with 15 treatment rooms will be the largest on Aruba when it opens in December.
The meetings complex, with a 7,500-square-foot ballroom, meetings rooms and a boardroom, already
is generating bookings, according to Grisi.
Two weddings have already been booked for 2014. The hotel offers a number of outdoor venues for ceremonies and receptions.
The hotel plans to host agents and operators on
several family trips and is working with key operators on a variety of package programs.
This hotel will certainly meet every standard during vacation on the One Happy Island of Aruba.
A rendering of the lobby at Ritz-Carlton Aruba.□
The Ritz-Carlton
Welcome to Aruba
Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V. would like to congratulate The Ritz-Carlton Aruba & the people of Aruba for this new endeavor in our tourism industry.
H icmb
The legacy and history of The Ritz-Carlton now in Aruba
Oranjestad, The history of The Ritz-Carlton begins with the celebrated hotelier Cesar Ritz, the “king of hoteliers and hotelier to kings”. His philosophy of service and innovations redefined luxury of hotel experience in Europe through his management of The Ritz Paris and The Carlton in London. The Ritz-Carlton revolutionized hospitality in America by creating luxury in hotel setting: private bath in each guest room with lighter fabrics to allow
more thorough washing. White tie and apron uniforms for the serving staff, black tie for the Maitre d’ and morning suits for all other staff, conducive to a formal, professional appearance. For decoration, extensive fresh flowers throughout the public areas with a la carte dining, providing choices for diners with extensive gourmet cuisine, utilizing the genius and cooking methods of Auguste Escoffier including intimate, smaller lobbies for a more personalized guest experience. Cesar Ritz died in 1918 but his wife Marie continued the expansion of hotels bearing his name. In the United States, The Ritz-Carlton Investing Company was established by Albert Keller who bought and franchised the name. In 1927 The Ritz-Carlton, Boston, opened and other hotels
followed in New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlantic City and Boca Raton. However, by 1940 none of the hotels were operating except The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The hotel embodies the vision of Cesar Ritz, Yankee ingenuity and Boston social sensibilities. The motto for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.” This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members. The lion and crown Ritz-Carlton logo is a combination of the British royal seal, the crown, and the logo of a financial backer, the lion. This logo was created by Cesar Ritz. In 1965, Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, owners of the Boston hotel starting in 1964 after complex negotiations with the heirs of the Wyner Estate, decided
that the logo of the Boston hotel dating back to 1927 was “not sufficiently noble." They revised the logo to what is utilized today. It is interesting to note that The Ritz-Carlton hotels in Atlantic City and New York had similar logos on their hotels in the late ‘20s. While in Europe at this same time. The Ritz London logo consisted of a lion and The Ritz Paris logo contained a crown. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company L.L.C., which
operates five-star resorts and luxury hotels worldwide, now also in Aruba, has received all the major awards in the hospitality industry and leading consumer organizations can bestow. The organization is the first and only hotel company twice honored with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award from the United States Department of Commerce and will be the pride of Aruba in the tourism sector. □
Stemma Trading N.V
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Aruba ■ Curac

Pabien & heartfelt best wishes with The Ritz Carlton
Grand Opening on
Arttha “One Happy Istand**
The Ritz-Carlton 11

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The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. embraces the Sensuous Aesthetics of Hotel Design
Oranjestad, The Ritz-Carl- always to create palatial would take full advantage ton design challenge was and timeless resorts that of its prime location, mostly
Doit Center.
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The Ritz Carlton
On our Happ> JsIllikE Anihii
To The Ritz Carlton
with their Official

The RrrZ'CARLTOh' “
ADfltS R*H BoulfH.^9.S*ntiCnjB -A/ubJ |T*£H*17H| Fu MlimiU \ #m*»i
beachfront, while protecting a delicate ecosystem. The solution was always to build twin towers with gracefully arched windows, and classic balustrades with carefully reminiscent monumental villas accent design of the late nineteenth century hotels. Mediterranean theme has always been the approach in a commanding sense of place with symmetry, gardens, fountains and pools. It is noticeable to point some unique architecture Ritz hotel brand design that is referred to as modern, utilizing geometric forms. Home to an impressive 4,200-piece contemporary modern art collection. The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore offers self-guided iPod art tours of pieces by artists with an impressive look view when staying at this hotel.
The Ritz Carlton often offers the choice of two types of interior design: contemporary classic and contemporary modern. Both are highly luxurious, and feature the highest standards and materials.
As The Ritz-Carlton embarks upon the development of additional hotels within the next years, the design philosophy is defined as “consistently inconsistent. Each new project gives an unique opportunity to create the best hotel within its environment that provides a true sense of place. Consideration is given to the market needs and how
it can best create a hotel that will be a signature property within the group. The Ritz Carlton Aruba will be Aruba’s first true 5 Star Resort. The 320 Room Luxury Resort is being developed by Desarrollos Hotelco of Caracas Venezuela and will have all of the luxury amenities that guests have become accustomed to at Ritz Carlton Caribbean destination resorts such as a luxury Spa, three upscale dining locations, an upscale European Styled Casino, meeting and ballroom accommodations, and luxurious upscale retail. The design is a blend of traditional Aruban Architecture with contemporary accents.Q


“Welcome Ritz-Carlton"
We are pioud to be your business partner.
Meet Herve Humler, President & Chief Operations Officer, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company L.L.C.
Oranjestad, Herve Humler is President & Chief Operations Officer of The RitzCarlton Hotel Company, a company he helped found in 1983 and is currently visiting the beautiful island of Aruba in connection with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel grand opening. He is responsible for leading the brand’s operations and global growth strategy and championing its distinctive service culture. His portfolio of responsibilities includes serving as the President & Chief Operations Officer of The Ritz-Carlton with 81 properties located throughout the world. Previously, Humler served as Global Chief Operations Officer for The Ritz-Carlton and head of the brand’s international region, where he presided over the operations of hotels and resorts in South America, Asia, Africa, The Middle East, and Europe.
In his role at the operational helm of the iconic luxury hotel company, Humler is guiding the hotel company through a period of unprecedented growth and evolution. The RitzCarlton is branching out on all fronts with significant expansion across Asia, now also in the Caribbean, changing aesthetics of hotel design and dynamic initiatives in the realms of service delivery and quality assurance to name a few.
The Ritz-Carlton numerous awards over decades, has never changed the culture of the company. The motto advises it's Ladies and Gentlemen every morning in a lineup session to treat their guests as they
would like to be treated. Certainly, Aruba is proud with the official grand opening of Ritz-Carlton, first in the Caribbean, to serve all the ladies and gentleman that will visit the beautiful island of Aruba. □
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As one of the original founders of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Humler and his fellow colleagues created the Credo and Motto for which The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company has been known for 30 years. Despite his travels and the many changes in the luxury hotel industry over the years, Humler still utilizes The RitzCarlton Credo as his roadmap to success. He is quite proud that the service philosophy, which has won

LUe wouidL Uk& to* welcome tke "Ril* Carfitm. to' Gruba and. ivtik tkem. irutek Saaeess,
SchcUndSlraat #70. Grafi.ifl5.1ad. Aruba Tal. 58Z-0697 'lakes ill is opportunity to eoii^raltiLate The Grand Opening of The Kit/ Carlton,
Tun Rir/'CAWiTi^*
Roberto Grisi with an extensive hospitality experience is the General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba
Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. He began his career in 1984 in food and beverage and subsequently garnered numerous management positions at several Marriott properties, including Hotel Manager at CasaMagna Marriott in Cancun, General Manager at the Renaissance Jaragua Hotel in Santo Domingo and most recently, Venezuelan Country Manager, responsible for the successful operations of the three renowned Marriott resorts.
A native of Bolivia fluent in Spanish and English, Grisi is a graduate of the esteemed Aspen Institute of Leadership and has received many sales & marketing accolades throughout his career, including the prestigious Mustang Award. □
cades, Grisi will oversee all pre-opening efforts for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company’s seventh property in the Caribbean & Mexico portfolio.
“It is an honor to serve as general manager for The Ritz-Carlton’s debut on the beautiful island of Aruba,” said Roberto Grisi. “Aruba is truly an exceptional destination in the Caribbean offering a diverse cultural heritage and remarkable landscape which we aim to uniquely capture for a distinct sense of place for our guests. With the help of the extraordinary ladies and gentlemen from the island, I’m confident the hotel will allure discerning travelers from around the globe, while also playing an active role through our dedicated community and environmental efforts," he added.
Grisi brings a wealth of experience to the position complemented by a highly respected operational excellence and strong leadership background after serving in many executive hospitality positions around the globe, including Washington D.C., Venezuela,
Oranjestad, Roberto Grisi Manager of The Ritz-Carl- sive hospitality experience has been named General ton, Aruba with an exten- spanning almost three de

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The Ritz-Carlton*'

The Ritz-Carlton Aruba Spa: the world of comfort and relaxation will be at your reach this December!
Oranjestad, The anticipated spa located in The Ritz-Carlton, sanctuary with beachfront view, will open in the resort near Palm Beach in December, situated on a peaceful 15.000 feet property, offering new and original spa rituals with a unique and extensive menu of services.
The local community can take advantage of this unique opportunity to balance their bodies, mind and soul, under the tender care of professional therapist, combined with the experience of the resort cuisine and enjoy the luxurious garden around the pool and perhaps try their luck in the casino as a final touch this December.
The spa will offer 13 luxurious rooms with all types of treatment. They are equally divided between two areas, offering professional service to men and women in their separated areas, with two steam and sauna rooms, separated for men and women, and two private Jacuzzi on the
open property of the resort.
The attraction of the spa, besides the contemporary and beautiful decoration, is the elaborated rituals design for all visitors that will transport and elevate them to a renewed level of health. This ritual is possible due to local equipments with help of indigenous plants and herbs conceived locally that will integrate together in the most unique experience.
All visitors will start their spa experience in the welcome area where wishes can be made and then placed on other black lava stone on the beautiful Black Stone Beach, which will be the welcome ceremony of the spa rituals.
Aruba Divi Divi, the most interesting and distinctive Aruban massage, takes place for 80 minutes with long professional massage movements on a local original composed music that will definitely be the highlight of your experience!
A visit to the The Ritz-Carl- mended to decrease the affordable budget and ton spa is highly recom- daily stress lifestyle with an multiple advantages. □
WORLDWIDE CARGO & COURIER NY WAYACA #45 PHONE- +{ie?>-568-7322 FAX NR: 4(2971-5^7311
A heartfelt + PabJCrt T with ihe Official Grand Opening of The Hitz Carlton oil Che beautiful island of Am hit

The Rjtz-Cari.ton®
SEall St Miirtdgfrttunl E^ana s]E"( ruiK-rji Sh>tv ij.MltilI dicir
head Cell congryiitlyiKin lo The Ritz Carlton
with [heir
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Joint Education and Sustainability Programs integrated together to promote tourism on the island of Aruba
vironmental curriculum for primary school students developed by The RitzCarlton specifically for Aruba in collaboration with marine biologist. Dr. Richard Murphy of Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Futures Society. The education modules will be available on the Green Aruba website for others in the travel industry to download, allowing for easy accessibility by Arubans to learn about the island’s unique environmental assets and how to protect them.
As part of the program launch, students will be invited to Skype with Fabien Cousteau, grandson of legendary oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, while he is undertaking Mission 31 to break his grandfather’s world record for an underwater stay.
Succeed through Service, The Ritz-Carlton’s
Sollito #108,
Near RCA Stadium
Tel: (297) 583-9613/ (297) 583-9612
Offers economical prices on all technological office supply with repair services on computer, laptops, printer, & Internet virus is proud to have Ritz Carlton Hotel as their partner in this new venture.

On the Official Grand Opening
Of the prestigious
The Ritz Carlton
On our Happy Island Aruba
The Ritz-Carlton®
Oranjestad, The brilliant J. W. “Bill" Marriott Jr., Executive Chairman of Marriott International, announced several new partnership initiatives to promote sustainable tourism on the island. The collaboration is designed to further enhance Prime Minister Mike
Eman’s vision for a Green Aruba while continuing Marriott’s long-standing commitment to enriching education on the island. The signature new programs that debut in Aruba with The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba include:
An innovative en distinguished Community Footprints program, which introduces youth to skills necessary to succeed and the ability to serve others. The Ladies and Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba will be working in tandem with youth on the island to help develop skills required for success while boosting their self-esteem.
A commitment from the J.W. and Alice S. Marriott Foundation to support the creation of the Aruba Hospitality Institute, Prime Minister Eman’s vision for sustainable hospitality management training. Marriott International will also supplement the curriculum that is being provided by the academic partners in the Institute by contributing leadership development and training content to be delivered by Marriott executives.
A partnership with Tortugaruba to bring best practices in sea turtle conservation to Aruba, including a regional summit to be hosted at The Ritz-Carlton,
The Ritz-Carlton will launch its Community Footprints program in Aruba at Arikok National Park with the management team and trainers volunteering at Dos Playa to remove marine debris and driftwood from this important sea turtle nesting site. Community Footprints is The Ritz-Carlton’s global conservation and community engagement initiative. ‘Aruba is at the forefront for travelers who seek elegant accommodations, a beautiful climate and unparalleled beaches, where they can enjoy pristine nature and leave nothing more than their footprints in the sand and Ritz-Carlton will support the government’s vision for a tourism institute that will be a magnet for hospitality professionals hoping to pursue careers in the growing Caribbean and Latin America tourism economy’ the Executive Chairman of Marriott International concluded. □

Welcomes fhe Rifz^Carilon Afubo and wishes Ihe new properly every success

Make your dream wedding come true at The Ritz Carlton, Aruba
Oranjestad: Weddings at The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba set a new standard in romantic elegance with an array of breathtaking venues and impeccable service, from bridal showers, spa pampering, island excursions and golf outings, comprehensive wedding services, dedicated wedding planners and stunning wed ding venues for uniquely perfect celebrations. From wedding celebrations, romantic vow renewals, anniversaries, and engagements, let the professionals of The Ritz-Carlton plan each and every detail of your most cherished occasion at where life is as classically simple as a day on the beach. □
i Lena Term Henlate For Sale
Clearly Realty
Tola! Service Rit) E&lata
For JTiani tnfbrnulion phiaui conLici us:
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Congratulations Ritz Carlton
with the opening of your new hotel
I 1 ?! LOCAL
Dining at The Ritz-Carlton reflects Aruba’s tropical impeccable cuisine
Oranjestad, The Ritz Carlton reflect Aruba’s tropical backdrop ranging from poolside casual to sophisticated elegance with collection of four world-class restaurants with impeccable cuisine. A signature outdoor grill features an assortment of specialty co*cktails, light bites and expansive open-air seating overlooking the Caribbean
Sea. Other dining options include a specialty fine dining restaurant, a casual setting cafe for a la carte favorites, the Lobby Lounge and 24-hour in-room dining.
Solanio Restaurant Comfortable, authentic and delectable-Solanio offers up a menu of tasty and beautifully prepared dishes with an Italian accent. This
all day trattoria settle into a booth in the comfortable and contemporary dining room, take in the ocean breezes on the terrace with alfresco dining or enjoy cuisine with dramatic views of the openair kitchen.
Les Crustaces Restaurant
Les Crustaces offers a memorable evening of stylish sophistication, warm and knowledgeable service and culinary mastery. Taking its cue from the vivid views of the ocean from the restaurant's dinein terrace, the menu emphasizes delicately handled seafood dishes, locally sourced fish and a signature selection of fresh shellfish at the raw bar.
Madero Argentinian Grill
This vibrant poolside bar and grill caters to the resort’s sun worshippers with classic pool bar fare, tropical drinks and a casual, relaxed atmosphere. This high-energy Latin grill features fresh co*cktails and wood-fired flavors from the signature parrilla grill. Madero is the perfect place to take in the
true spirit of Aruba.
Divi Bar & Lounge
Whether relaxing with a newspaper, cappuccino and fresh juice in the morning, grabbing a quick snack, or gathering for an evening of co*cktails, Divi is the place to be. This contemporary, all-day lobby bar offering light snacks and delicious pastries is the hub of activity and features an illuminated center bar, comfortable technologyenabled seating throughout, and an outdoor terrace. □
o ur Company is proud to offer logistic solutions, designed for
Land Sea & Air to The Riiz Carlton, and congratulates this
Prestigious Hotel on their Grand Opening,
Palo di Boonchi straal #14,
Oranjestad, Aruba
Tel: 582-7215/ Faxd: 582*2229

Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2013-11-22 (2024)
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